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Why International Students Face Difficulty Coping With Academics In Foreign Land

Hello boy! Planning to set foot in a foreign land? But wait! Did anyone enlighten you about the problems you are going to face in the foreign land?

This post is, in no way, written with an aim to de-motivate or frighten you. Our aim is to make you aware of some of the common physical as well as psychological problems generally faced by international students and to provide some short crispy tips beforehand.

Oh food!

From the moment you land in a foreign country you need to start worrying about food. Changing food habit is one of the biggest problems faced by an overseas student. In the first few weeks, it is obvious to lose some weight, fall sick and miss mamma’s food for sure. This is the time when you will repent wasting food back home and cursing your mamma’s ‘boring’ dishes. But gradually you will learn to adapt.

How to face it

i) Learn a few dishes from your mom before leaving the country and if your hostel allows you to cook, then cook your own dishes.
ii) Respect their food and the food will respect your body too. Gradually it will suit your body.

The language

Unless you are fluent in English and you have moved to an English speaking country, it will be difficult initially to communicate with the people around you. But worry not! This has an advantage too. In a few months you will learn a new language too.

How to face it
Join language classes, ask your local classmates to teach you the basics of this language every day. If you cannot afford to join language classes, youtube is always there for you.

For academics, you can take help from academic essay writer who from an English speaking country. He will proofread your solution and do the changes.


Climate too is a concern for a lot of people, especially when the difference between your country and the foreign land is drastically high. Students coming from warmer countries to colder ones and vice versa find it tough to adjust in the first few weeks.

Empty pocket hurts

This is a universal problem of the students’ community world over. Unless your dad is a multi millionaire you will always know the pain of an empty pocket.

How to face it
i) Start doing a part time job if your schedule and college allows you.
ii) Live lavishly once you get a job after the degree. But as of now learn to live at minimum expenses.

The medium of communication

As discussed earlier due to language issues you may face a lot of problems in the initial days to understand the lectures and cope up with the mode of education (which will be different from your native). The assignments and projects and presentations can give you a tough time. 

How to face it 

If you have gone to UK for studies, then hire a private assignment tutor to help you with understanding you assignments and clarify your academic doubts.


Now that you are miles away from your home you will feel the importance of family and near ones in the true sense. With no friends to share deep secrets with and parents to guide you every now and then, you will surely miss those good times.
Studying abroad has one drawback too. You will miss all the festivals, celebrations, anniversaries, birthday and wedding parties back home. But this sacrifice comes at a better cost. The degree you earn will take you to a different height and make your well wishers proud of you.

How to face it
i) Join gym, yoga, meditation or any other activity that you like.
ii) Start a hobby. Visit museums, join voluntary organizations.
These activities will help you earn new friends and divert your mind to positive things.

No friends

A lot of foreign students find it hard to mingle with locals or students from other countries. However this story will not remain the same throughout the academic years. As soon as you learn to understand their lifestyle, language and culture you will gradually move closer to them.
Participate in college sports and activities like drama, dance or any other events. This will further improve your exposure.

How to face it
Do same as mentioned in the previous point

The puzzling streets and lanes

Well the streets are not puzzling! Everything seems complicated in the initial days of exploration. So be patient. It will take a few months to get a mental picture of this entirely new city. Till then, get in to a relationship with google maps.

How to face it
i) Take help of apps or carry a map
ii) Roam with local friends

O my crushes!

You are young at heart, mind and body. So it is obvious to fall for beauties every now and then. But the level of your frustration will reach its peak when you won’t be able to communicate with the foreign beauties due to a lot of constraints mentioned above. But wait this too has an advantage; you will learn to control your mind and develop a strong will power.

How to face it

i) Just enjoy these emotions. Do not go deep in to these. Remember the fact that your parents have worked very hard to provide you this education. So DO NOT DEVIATE from the goal.
From time to time you will discover new problems and the ways to solve these too. And the experiences of these years will make you who you will be in future. So be optimistic and enjoy the adventure.

P.S-The mind is the root of all problems. So find ways to console and deviate your mind every time you feel sad, broken, frustrated or face any problem.

This blog is written by Bella Williams , who is private tutor in Information Technology at Expert Assignment Help and loves working with students to help them out with IT assignments and software packages for their capstone projects. She breathes and lives around international students and understands their problems. She also conducts educational tours for students during vacation.

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