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G4 + Tech TV = G4?

I sometimes wonder how smart it was of G4 to take over Tech TV and then completely destroy it. I miss Tech TV, especially Call For Help with Chris Pirillo and the Revenge of the Screen Savers with Leo Laporte. I look at the past videos that people post on YouTube and see how these tech personalities loved what they did, and had fun doing it to, which provided a healthy environment and built a oneness community.

So basically what G4 did to take over Tech TV was to first remove Tech TV from Comcast Cable (yes, Comcast owns G4). Doing so caused the ratings and price of Tech TV to lower. They then "merged" with Tech TV (more like hostile take over with a low price), they named themselves G4TechTV. For about 7 months.

The then proceeded to rename the company to G4. And one by one they knocked off the Tech TV shows, until there were was one left. It is still on today, which is X-Play.

So now there is no TV channel dedicated to computers, or tech for geeks like me. I hope Comcast is happy.

Share your thoughts, I would love to hear them.


I would also like to thank David Di Franco for giving me the opportunity to write for the! I know this is going to be a wonderful experience. We are starting a community of our own! - Danny Minick


Thanks to David,

Hello, this article is dedicated to David for accepting me to become a writer on his website, thank you so much bro, I highly appreciate it!. 

For my first blog, I would just like to say a little bit of myself. My name is Rene, and I live in Texas. I've been addicted to the internet for years now and I just love websites were we can all express our opinions and get my word out there (ex. I love technology, it is in my blood. In this website, I will mostly make articles on technology and Apple. I also started YouTube about three weeks ago so if you haven't seen my channel, please check it out and I would highly appreciate it. Well that's all I have to say, I'll be sure to talk nothing but technology on this website. Thanks!

But most of all thanks to David because without him none of this is possible (obviously)

Here is all of my information,



A Texas-sized Introduction

Howdy everyone,

            So as you may know by now from my Twitter, I have been accepted as a writer for this website. I am very pleased to be writing with other writers who I am sure will post great things in the future.

            Well first let me introduce myself. My name is Richard Vargas and I am 20 years old (soon to be 21 in February) and from Pasadena, Texas. That's Texas--NOT CALIFORNIA-- Texas. Anywho, I am finishing up my time in San Jacinto College, where I will be transferring to a university hopefully not long from now. I will most likely be majoring in something having to due with computers, but I am also considering something in sports journalism which is why I decided to apply for a job as a writer on this website.

             Which leads me to my next topic. From what I am seeing so far, I will be one of the few that will be posting about something other than tech. I assume many of you are asking why I would post sports stuff seeing as this is primarily a TECH website, but I feel there are people that come to this website that are tech enthusiasts, but like a little sports news on the side. I will be mainly writing about events and news that happen in the MLB and NFL, with a few stories on the side about NBA, and College sports since I feel these are areas I can write comfortably in.

              I also would like to hear from you guys and gals of any sports news, or topics that you want me to discuss and I will try my best to write about it. Whether it's a debate about a situation, or just an interesting article you found, I am here not only to practice and futher hone my skills as a writer, but also interact with my audience. It's a winning formula; you can ask David (thecreativeone) for proof.

              If you would like to follow me on Twitter to find out about my picks for games, or just want to know when I'll be streaming again, you can follow me at

               Again, I would like to extend a big thanks to David for this idea and I look forward to hearing from many of you in the future by leaving comments on my posts. Hope to hear from all of you soon and have a great day.

-Richard "RichieVar" Vargas



Let's Think Different.

David, it is a honor to write on I am very excited to start showing you all my thoughts on the latest Apple products. To tell you all a little about myself, I am an eighteen year old residing in Vermont who, just a couple of days ago, got the wireless phone company AT&T. iPhone, here i come.

So thank you David for this opportunity.




Follow My Twitter For Blog Updates !

Hey Guys,

Josh here, As a writer for, I feel responsible for keeping you informed about latest, current and future blog posts.

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Josh Blog Writer