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Entries in Tech (34)


Is a 1TB Optical Disc the Next to Come After Blu-ray?

Blu-ray optical discs were one of the great milestones in portable disc technology. They could hold 25 GB on a single layer disc and 50 GB, more than older versions of hard drives, on a dual-layer disc. Now that Blu-ray has been out for a year and the digital age is coming quickly, people are beginning to wonder what will the next disc format be, if any is to take the place of current ones already? Japanese company TDK introduced a new kind of optical disc about a week ago that literally would be like having 41 Blu-ray discs on one single disc. The disc itself can hold a terabyte of data on a crazy 16 layers of recording structure.

The crazy part about it is that this is a size of storage that most normal hard drives would have trouble competing with. Most 3.5” hard drives mainly get to about 1.5 TB of storage and a laptop’s 2.5” hard drive will typically reach the highest of 750 GB or in some rare cases only 1 TB. This would not only bring a whole new angle on watching over 40 movies on a single disc, but it will make taking massive amounts of information a very safe, easy, and transferable way of the future. 

Now being this is merely an exhibit at a Japanese tech show, we obviously cannot expect to see this on any form of market to replace Blu-ray anytime soon. Not only would it be grossly overpriced for a 20 dollar movie, but there would also be a compatibility issue involved in the conversion. These discs can be read at the same speed as Blu-ray discs on the market today, but they are a dead stop for backwards compatibility due to their 2.5x thicker aspects. Also, not many people may be interested in going out and spending the money on a disc that would likely have nearly 500 GB of empty space. What on Earth would Hollywood do with all of that space on a single disc? Give each of the actors room for every tweet they ever made? Because I have a feeling that would only be the beginning. 

So I do have to admit, when the price comes down, the players come out, and people find out what to do with all of that space, I will probably be one of the people in line for these wonderful new inventions of extremely movable media. That and I would just love to see them find a way to use 900 GB for interviews, cool features, and bonus content.


Tech Survey

Today I'm here to do a tech survey. It was filmed on the 18th of July. This is my first ever tech survey and I thought it would be great for you to learn more about me. I answer 50 questions in the general vicinity of tech. This was given to me by Alec Suits.
1. What is the highest spec computer you have ever used?
2. What is the most RAM hungry application you have ever used?
3. What do you the most? Facebook, Twitter, MySpace, FriendFeed, etc.
4. On a mobile device, what OS do you like the most? iOS, RIM, webOS, Android, or Windows Phone 7?
5. What OS do you prefer on a computer system? Mac, Windows, Linux, Chrome?
6. How many computers do you own?
7. Have you ever meet any famous people in the Tech world?
8. What famous technology enthusiast would you like to meet the most, if you could? Leo Laporte, Kevin       Rose, Jon Rettinger, etc.
9. How many monitors do you use on a daily basis?
10. What application do you use the most on a daily basis?

You can download the full survey here


iPhone OS 4.0

Hey guys I know it has been awhile since my last post. I have just been really busy with everything but today I am really excited to share with you iPhone OS 4.0 and my thoughts on it. Yes, I know this was released yesterday but I had some previous jobs I had to do. So here it is.

First I will go over the 4 major new features that were gone over in the keynote because I just don't have time to write about all 100 new features. The first new feature I will go over is multitasking. This is a real big addition to the iPhone OS. One reason for this is because their biggest competitors have been able to multitask on their devices for a long time. Apple claims that they haven't had it on their platform until now because they wanted to wait until they had it just right. What they mean by this is not only the interface of it but while using multitasking you wont kill your battery or lose a lot of the phones power. Multitasking will let the customer play music from other apps while they go into another app. For example a user could be listening to their Pandora account and then close out of it and go into another app and the music wouldn't stop like it use to. Another way to use multitasking is by using VOIP or Voice over IP. This is like taking a skype call and then closing out and staying on the call and being able to go play a game. This is a real big thing for many people. The next big feature that was added is folders. Folders will let the user put all the apps they want in one place. With a simple drop one app on top of another app you will be making folders. You will even be able to name the folders. For those of you that ran out of space because you could only have 180 apps on your device you will now be able to have 2,160 apps with these new folders. The next big feature that was added is an even better mail app. With this new mail app you will be able to have multiple exchange accounts hooked up to the same device. You will also have the option to show all your email accounts in one big inbox so you don't have to keep switching back and fourth between the different inbox. Other parts of the new mail app include being able to open attachments in third party apps, organizing messages by thread, and switching between inbox faster. The last major feature that they showed off was iBooks. Now yes iBooks was released with the iPad but now Apple has brought that same app, book store, and all the other books you have bought to the iPhone and iPod Touch. You can even do this while listening to music. One other cool new thing they talked about and showed but didn't go into much detail was about being able to change you home screen background. You now will be able to have what ever picture you want as your background and it doesn't have to stay black. At the keynote that also went over a new thing called iAD and Enterprise. They also went over the fact that there is now over 1,500 new APIs for developers to use and make their apps do what we just talked about. iAD in a quick little description is Apples new way to put ads in developers apps so that they can keep them free and still make money.It is a really cool and interactive way to put ads in apps. Enterprise is for companies. This will let companies easily deploy many iPhones through out their company. This will also let them make and distribute apps just for their company very easily to every one. A cool new thing about that for them is that they wont even need to plug in their phones and sync the apps they will be able to do it wireless. Now here is the catch this is a direct quote for " Phone OS 4 will work with iPhone 3G, iPhone 3GS, and the second- and third-generation iPod touch this summer, and with iPad in the fall. Not all features are compatible with all devices. For example, multitasking is available only with iPhone 3GS and the third-generation iPod touch (32GB and 64GB models from late 2009)."

Now for my feelings and impressions about the new iPhone OS. Over all I am very happy about all the new features and will love to have them on my iPod Touch. The only downfall is that I wont be able to multitask on it because I have the 2nd Generation. This disappoints me very much because this is something that I have been looking forward to for a long time. Now if we put that aside I am extremely happy. I will be able to set one of my own pictures as the background and these new folders will let my organize my minimal app collection. I will also be able to merge my inbox and for me this isn't the biggest thing because I really only get mail in one inbox but when I do get mail from the other mail box I wont have to spend the time to switch to it. Another feature that was talked about but I wont be using is the feature of being able to have multiple exchange accounts. The first and the biggest reason is that I don't even have one exchange account so this doesn't effect me. Now for the iBooks app. I'm not the biggest reader and for that I rarely read at all. When I do read it is in school and during school I cant pull out my iPod and claim to be reading so I most likely won't be using this app but if for some reason I do decide to download a book and read it using this app from what I know the experience will be great. Over all as you can tell I am very happy with the turn out of iPhone OS 4.0 and can't wait to use it this summer.

iPhone OS 4.0 will be available this summer for the iPhone and iPod Touch and then later this fall for the iPad. There is no price that it will be going for at the time. For more information on iPhone OS 4.0 go to You can also download the keynote or watch it one for more information and demos of everything talked about.

For more of my work go to Thanks.


Unboxing: Blue Snowflake Microphone

So far in my testings, this portable "professional" microphone is living up to all the positive reviews it has been getting. Its compact footprint takes up very little space on my desk which is always a plus, and is very easy to stow away in my laptop backpack. It is PC and Mac compatible and it needed no setup to work with my MacBook Pro, it is just plug-and-play. My review will be coming up in a week or so.


This Week in Sports 2010: Week 5 (Super Bowl XLIV Edition)

Who Dat? Drew Dat. Drew Brees was unreal in the biggest game of his career. Brees was 32/39 for 288 yards and 2 touchdowns in the 31-17 Saints (who were down 10 at the end of the first) victory. The Super Bowl MVP was Super indeed. But the Saints most clutch player was not on offense. He is one Tracy Porter. Porter, with his carved hair and all (Google it), got the game saving interception again. First against Brett Favre in the NFC Championship game, now Peyton Manning with roughly 3 minutes left to go up 14. 

Sean Payton made some of the gutsiest plays in Super Bowl history. Going for it on 4th and goal, the onside kick to end the half, playing Reggie Wayne close with the risk of him beating Porter. All his gutsy attempts paid off. 

Looking at Peyton Manning's pass that was picked, you will see that it was a decent route, and a decent pass. But it was a GREAT read by Tracy Porter. Peyton was on a role during that whole drive, and Reggie Wayne was involved in the drive for the first time all game. But there was that hard hitting, aggressive, take-all-risks Saints defense there to halt the Super Bowl dreams of yet another team, and yet another legendary quarterback. Peyton was 31/45 with 333 yards, 1 touch down, and 1 pick. Joseph Addai was the surprise of the game for me as he rushed for a solid 77 yards and 1 touch down with 58 yards receiving. The story of the week was probably Dwight Freeny's ankle. It was sore all week and there were rumors he would not play. But he played as he said he would and did not do bad. He had a crucial sack on 3rd down and forced the Saints to double team him every snap. 

This was one of the most exciting Super Bowls in a long while, and was very close to being the first one ever to go into overtime. Super Bowl XLIV will go down in history as a feel-good story on how one team had the whole country behind them, and how the town went from ruins to Super Bowl Champions.
