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Entries by Wyatt McParland (4)



What is perfection? Is it even possible? How can it be achieved? All through life people ask themselves this question. Some might think perfection is being popular, smart, and athletic, while others may think its being close with God. Perfection is none of this. Perfection is being yourself. God made everyone perfect in their own way. It’s not having anyone trying to turn you into someone your not. Perfection is not being a reflection of someone else. It is trying to be yourself each and everyday. It is trying your hardest. And being proud of who you are, rather then wishing to be who your not. It is going with the flow. Or being satisfied with your accomplishments big or small. But most of all, perfection is about being happy. Human perfection is forever.




The Simple Life

Don’t you just love the excitement you feel after coming home with a new TV? Driving home in a new car? Opening the box on a new pair of shoes?

I sure do. But, from watching the behavior of myself and my friends I’ve found that the new quickly becomes just another item. The excitement of novelty passes quickly.

As we become wealthier, people seem to be adding more and more things to our homes. We then use our homes, and our treasures, to justify that we have won the game of life. Growing up in a family of pack-rats, I spent many years in my teens and early twenties accumulating stuff. During this time, much of my self-worth was unconsciously associated with the amount of stuff I owned; the brand names, and the latest trends. I spent a lot of money on clothes and stuff that made me feel ‘superior’. They gave me a sense of identity. If I just removed these things without awareness, my ego would have suffered. I had grown so attached to that definition of myself, that my loss would have been much deeper than just the cute sweater.

Not only did I not find myself in all this, I’ve also accumulated a lot of clutter in my living space and my inner space. Ironically, the piles of stuff actually held me back from understanding and inner peace with myself.

We are so eager to fill our homes, yet so disinterested in cleaning it out. As a result, we now require larger spaces, more storage space, and more clutter for the mind. Did you know that there are more self-storage facilities in North America than there are McDonald’s restaurants? We find it difficult to reduce the amount of stuff we own is due to our attachment to these things.

Is Less Really More?

The joy and art of having less while enjoying more of life can be summed up, as follows.


  • The Zen of Space - There is beauty in space, but we fail to recognize it because we can’t see through the stuff we own. When we open up physical space in our environment, a tremendous feeling of peace can dwell within us. This is the principle behind Japanese style homes. Beauty in small spaces is the appreciation of minimalism, where less truly is more. We need to understand that space is to be enjoyed, not filled.
  • Conserved Energy - Fewer belongings means we have fewer possessions to worry about. I once knew a wealthy young man, who had anything he dreamt of. He had so many expensive things, and he was so afraid of losing them. Much of his energy was devoted to protecting his possessions andtrophies.
  • Free Your Space - When we are reminded of something we own but never use, we can impose self-inflicted guilt for leaving it unused. For example, my mother owns a several exercise machines which are rarely used. Each time she sees them, she forces herself to feel guilty. Her guilt eats away at her inner, mental space. Our outer world is a reflection of our inner world. By cleaning out and simplifying our outer space, our inner space will open up like a flower.
  • Appreciation - The less we have, the more attention we can give those things we own and truly need on a regular basis. Appreciation is the seed for abundance; abundance of the mind and the soul. It’s pretty amazing how little we actually need. When we clear our homes and our lives down to the essentials, we are able to better enjoy that which we do have.

Nothing external to us can give us permanent and true happiness. We actually have all we need to be truly happy within us.

The art of having less but enjoying our lives more, involves a few simple changes in perspective. First, we must understand where our true values lie and focus on them. Then, we must take time to enjoy the simple things, and slow down and see what’s right in front of us.


Wii Interactive WhiteBoard

Since the Wii controller can track sources of infrared light, I decided to make a pen that emits this invisible light source. For under $50 I bought the supplies (listed below) to create such a pen. This pen involved severe modding, and a whole days work, but is defiantly worth it. To summarize, This allows you to turn any monitor / projector into a multi-thousand dollar touchscreen device.


  • Supplies Used
  • Infrared light emitter & detector x1 (The Source)
  • General copper bounded wire x3 (The Source)
  • Red push button switch x1 (The Source)
  • AA battery power source x1 (The Source)
  • 30W Soldering Iron x1 (The Source)
  • 15 ft Solder x1 (The Source)
  • 1 “Big Daddy” extra large pen x1 (Buck or Two)
  • Total Cost - $58.78

This is a project of Johnny Lee's. I do not take credit, but I am simply posting my success.




Bug with Links

It has come to my attention, that everyone who posts links get an error message. I do not know if its just a few people, but please comment if it is the same for you. 

Best Wishes,
