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Wii Interactive WhiteBoard

Since the Wii controller can track sources of infrared light, I decided to make a pen that emits this invisible light source. For under $50 I bought the supplies (listed below) to create such a pen. This pen involved severe modding, and a whole days work, but is defiantly worth it. To summarize, This allows you to turn any monitor / projector into a multi-thousand dollar touchscreen device.


  • Supplies Used
  • Infrared light emitter & detector x1 (The Source)
  • General copper bounded wire x3 (The Source)
  • Red push button switch x1 (The Source)
  • AA battery power source x1 (The Source)
  • 30W Soldering Iron x1 (The Source)
  • 15 ft Solder x1 (The Source)
  • 1 “Big Daddy” extra large pen x1 (Buck or Two)
  • Total Cost - $58.78

This is a project of Johnny Lee's. I do not take credit, but I am simply posting my success.



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