A Christmas Wish
So, my first post was supposed to be about Google Chrome, and how it is coming from an avid Firefox lover's point of view, however since every time I wrote it out, and went to post Chrome crashed, I have since given up on it.
Let me start off by tell you a little bit about myself. My name is John, I'm a fifteen year old student who loves technology and has a passion for photography and literature. I'm extremely excited to be writing for the Social Blog, as it's one of the websites that I visit the most. So thanks David for accepting my application.
Now to the wishlist:
1: Nikon CoolPix P90 Digital Camera- I've been looking to upgrade my camera for a while, as my current (and anchient) Nikon CoolPix E5600 is not cutting it. I have managed to get some beautiful shots with my compat, but I think a high end point and shoot would be great.
2: Super Mario Brothers Wii- I've grown up with Super Mario. My first console was a Super Nintendo, and the games I loved the most were always Mario. I've had a Wii going on a year now, and currently I only have Wii Fit, Wii Sports and Resident Evil Archives: Resident Evil. I could use a new game.
3: Apple iPod Nano 5th Generation 16GB, Silver- Currently I have a 30GB iPod Video 5th Generation. I love it, and it's a great iPod. But the battery in it is dying, and I would like an iPod that can hold a lot of music yet still allow me to run and bike with it. The Nano fits my criteria.
4: Nintendo DS Lite/i: I need a new portable gaming system. My PSP is dead, and my advance is great but I would love to be able to play new titles. The DS looks like a lot of fun, and I think it's something that I could really get a kick out of.
Well, that was my short and sweet Christmas Wishlist. There isn't a whole lot I wanted, and to be honest I am happy with whatever I get. I just think it's fun to make these things.
Where can you find me? Well, my personal website has links to my everything. http://ijohne.sillydog.com
Happy Holidays everyone!
Reader Comments (3)
Good list.
Instead of getting the DS Lite, I would go for the DSi.
@Connor Thanks.
@Aaron I would get the DSi but I think it would still be good for me to be able to play Advance games on it. But to be honest, I would be happy with either.