What geek grooming gadgets do you have?
This is just a short post since we're all busy with parties and friends. I wanted to ask though, what geek grooming gadgets to you have? I don't think anyone has posted on this or I haven't seen it. I myself use a regular razor to shave, but when I am in a hurry and don't have time I have always relied on my Norelco Electric Cordless Razor by Phillips/Norelco. In fact I recently purchased a new one as my old one went on the blink. I did notice that they are now incorporating Lithium Ion batteries in certain models. For instance mine is a newer model the 7360XL and it has Lithium Ion, versus the model below it which had the older Ni-Cad style. Those Ni-Cad type are prone to the "memory" effect unlike Lithium Ion.
I am 36 so I am not in the most recent generation of "shave everything" that guys do now, but with that said I do have the Phillips/Norelco body groom cordless razor as well. I figure trim ups are fine though.
Anyway those are two of my "Geek Grooming Gadgets". What gadgets do you guys use?
On a different note, a fun one. I notice we have so many different people from different parts of the world that write for the Social Blog and do videos. I wonder, just for fun, if say some of our british video posters could do a whole review using an American accent? Ha! Imagine that! Now with that said I wonder how many American guys on here that do video reviews could get through a whole video using a british accent? Seriously guys I do love the Christmas Season and I think sometimes it's fun to switch roles in order for us all to step back and laugh at ourselves! It makes Christmas more jolly, animative, and fun! I wish you all a Merry Christmas and can't wait to hear some feedback on this post! I know it was different but different is good!
-Kevin ( thedigitalbloke@gmail.com )

Reader Comments (4)
Ha Iove the idea about the accents :p
Yeah I thought it would be a hoot. I always see Americans doing british accents but I never seem to see the british trying ours! Would be a fun gesture back and forth!
And as always thanks Kyle!
By the way maybe you should do a video like that Kyle! It would be fun man!