Movie Reviews: Oscar Extravaganza
I know this is very late as the 81st Annual Academy Awards took place on February 22nd, 2009 but I just recently got accepted as a writer for Social Blog.
OK! So let's get right into this! I am going to review the 5 nominees for Best Picture, which are Slumdog Millionaire, The Curious Case of Benjamin Button, The Reader, Milk, and Frost/Nixon.
Review: Slumdog Millionaire
Slumdog Millionaire was the winner out of the five. It won 8 Academy Awards in total ranging from Best Score to Best Director. This was not my favorite of the five, but a worthy contestant for the Best Picture award. I can easily see why so many people fell in love with this movie. It is perfect for all audiences (besides the little children...), it's romantic for the couples, dramatic for the critics, and has doses of crime and adventure. I enjoyed the movie much to my surprise. I found it extremely enthralling and interesting at about the 20th minute of the film. I recommend this movie to everybody above the age of 16 especially for all those couples out there.
Final Rating: 9/10
Review: The Curious Case of Benjamin Button
This movie I loved! Many people may find it boring but I loved the premise and story telling. David Fincher is one of my favorite directors and when he works with Brad Pitt, magic happens. The ending is a bit dull and, may I say, sudden and stupid but the film leading up to it is great. This film is also a phenomenal romance movie and great adventure story.
Final Rating: 9/10
Review: The Reader
My least favorite out of the five, The Reader. I think it may be disliked by many people outside of the film industry because it touches on a very controversial subject, but in film, controversy is key. Maybe thats why it received much praise by the Oscar's considering the Academy is made up of actors, directors, and screenwriters. The film has great acting performances but the film itself is boring and DEFINETELY not for everybody. I would have MUCH rather have seen Revolutionary Road be nominated for all the awards this movie got. I do not recommend this film.
Final Rating: 7/10
Review: Milk
Harvey Milk! What a great biopic this is! One of my favorites actually. It tell's the phenomenal story of openly gay politician, Harvey Milk, and the gay and straight people his campaigns impact. Sean Penn's performance of Milk was right on target (although I would have enjoyed Mickey Rourke to win the Oscar...). Josh Brolin, James Franco, Emile Hirsch, and other supporting cast members also give great performances. I feel this movie is great, not just for entertainment, but for knowledge. It teaches how homosexuality is not wrong, and those who feel it is, are, not to be rude, but narrow-minded, blurred individuals.
Final Rating: 8.5/10
Review: Frost/Nixon
This is my favorite of the five, but surely not for everybody. The majority of this film is composed of David Frost and Richard Nixon debating about his presidency, his scandals, and other things unrelated. I found this movie very intriguing for its great acting and stimulating dialogue. This is for those people who are interested in politics and who are ready to sit down and watch a long movie, which begs for patience.
Final Rating: 9.5/10

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