Do YOU play MGO??!!
If so, I didn't mean to frighten you with the question and exclamation marks xD I play it regularly and usually for around, 3/4 hours, which iss kinda bad really considering I stare at a screen for that period of time each day... Maybe my dad's right... Anyways, as David says in his videos, I'm rambling. So basically I would like to find out if any of you guys play and what you're called, if so please e-mail me at: (don't laugh I was 9 when I made this:) ant_is_cool@hotmail.com . Please don't refrain from e-mailing, I will always read it and reply. Heres a video on MGO if you don't know what it is. watch it in HD!!
Kind regards, Anthony!!
Submitted by Anthony Ward Apr 17, 2009 at 5:12 PM
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