Do We Take Technology For Granted?
Lately I've been thinking about this question and sadly enough the answer for me is yes. I think it is yes for most people (not meant to offend anyone). It seems like we have all this technology at our fingertips and we use it daily. But when it breaks we are very quick to blame someone. If your iPod randomly restarts itself or it didn't put all the songs on your iPod its automatically Apple's fault. When truly, they should be commended for thier innovative efforts in the tech world. Before iPods the only way to listen to music was a cd player. And if you wanted to listen to a song by a different artist, you had to change the cd. But now you can put 4gb of songs from many different artists on a little iPod Shuffle. That right there should be praised not blamed. I know I am very quick to blame Comcast when my internet doesn't work properly. But after thinking about this question and making the video below, I realized that in one day all of this could be gone and then what would we do? We'd be disconnected from the world. So the question at hand is... Do you take technology for granted?

Reader Comments (1)
Yes, a lot of what you say makes perfect, perfect sense. Of course, in the future, they'll be saying, "And you know, when we wanted to write to someone we had to log in to our computers, open the email client, and actually use our fingers to type, but NOW we can....(finish the sentence with whatever easier way there will be to write to someone in future.)
I hope that really what comes out of your video is that there is room for old and new technology. I haven't had one for ages, but I really like a handwritten personal letter to me. I have been send a lot of birthday & greeting cards via MoonPIg dot com lately. And I feel it is a bit of a cop out. Where is the personal touch?
I agree it's easy to blame companies when tech goes wrong. But it takes 2 to tango. If you phone up a tech company, let's take AOL as a TOTALLY random example! You don't want to have to completely dismantle your wireless network, crawl under bits of furniture to find phone sockets etc etc...just to be kept on the phone and then told that actually the problem is at their end and they will sort it in 24 hours. That has happened to me twice. And all it would have taken is a quick check at the begininng of the call. There is service and there is service!
Thanks for posting,