13" MacBook Pro: Major Flaw
Ok, well I've been studying Apple's website, debating whether to get the 13" or 15" MacBook Pro. I've decided to get the 15" for 2 reasons: 1.) Larger Screen, and 2.) separate Audio In AND Audio Out jacks.
Why in the world would you give people a single jack for Audio In and Audio Out?
Even though it is a crazy idea for Apple to do such a thing to their computer, I think they did so for an understandable reason: the same reason why they removed Firewire 400. Most external microphones connect via USB now. Blue Microphones is really becoming the industry leader in microphones, and they all connect via USB. Now it makes sense, but think about it: there's only 2 USB ports in the 13" MacBook Pro!
Now you may be saying to yourself "Well, if most microphones run by USB, why do you need two separate jacks?" to which I respond with this: companies, such as Logitech, create headsets with integrated microphones, that require two separate jacks. These headphones are used for online gameplay.
That poses another question: what's the point of having a better graphics card in the 13" MBP if you don't use it the way it's intended?
In summation: If you play games online, you need two separate audio jacks, and it helps to have a larger screen, too.

Reader Comments (5)
It sounds as if the 13" MacBook Pro is turning into the MacBook Airs little brother.. Apple is going mad now.
It's both an audio in and out jack. I have the 13" MacBook Pro (the unboxing is on youtube and my channel at youtube.com/user/starkid423) and your wrong. If you looked at the picture on apple.com/macbookpro.features.html you would know.
What the heck. Go to apple.com/macbookpro/ and scroll all the way down. Then click on the 13" button and then look. It says Audio In/Out.
Please excuse my mistake. I meant to say "two separate jacks" throughout the whole post, but only said it at the end. I have since updated it to read that.
Everybody always seems to have a complaint about the ports on Apple's notebooks! On the 13" MacBook, it was all about FireWire. Now, on the 13" MacBook Pro, it's about the audio ports. The only reason they left out that audio port is 1) Not a lot of people use it 2) It wont fit on the notebook!