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Apple to rise with viruses (as repoted by with commentary by me.

A report by mintywhite guys is talking about viruses on Macs again. The article can be found here.Source…ts-gets-better/

Swiss researchers suggest that the revived popularity of Apple’s products may have left the company unable to keep up with security risks.

Here we go again…..

Apple has been getting worse at dealing with security vulnerabilities while Microsoft (NSDQ: MSFT) has been getting better, according to a research paper published by Swiss security researchers.




In “0-Day Patch Exposing Vendors (In)security Performance,” presented last week at the Black Hat conference in Amsterdam, Stefan Frei, Bernhard Tellenbach, and Bernhard Plattner of the Computer Engineering and Networks Laboratory at the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology analyzed Apple’s and Microsoft’s security practices over the past six years and found that Microsoft has been getting better at responding to security issues while Apple has been getting worse.

Responding to issues? Yeah right. 81% of people are satisfied with leopard and only 53% on Windows XP Professional 34% on Windows XP Home Edition, 27% on Windows Vista Premium and 13% on Windows Vista Basic. You’re telling me that Apple has been doing a worse job? Get out.

During the period studied, between 2002 and 2007, Microsoft had 658 high- and medium-risk vulnerabilities, compared with 738 for Apple, the paper says.

“the paper says” **** what the paper says!

The revived popularity of Apple’s products, the researchers suggest, may have left Apple unable to keep up. “Comparing the number of unpatched vulnerabilities per vendor for the period since January 2002 we observe a striking difference between Microsoft and Apple,” the report says. “On average, Microsoft succeeds to keep the average number of unpatched vulnerabilities below 20 at a steady number. On the opposite, Apple seems unable to stabilize the number of unpatched vulnerabilities in recent years. We observe a steady increase in recent years for Apple. It seams [sic] that Apple’s security processes and resources cannot cope with the side-effects of the increased popularity of their products.

Unpatched? Apple releases a update almost every month and a half. They updated leopard to 10.5.1 in 2 months. They fixed over 1000 bugs.

Indeed, some Apple partisans have suggested that the successful hacking of a MacBook Air in the “PWN to OWN” contest at the CanSecWest security conference in Vancouver, British Columbia, last week was a deliberate attempt by security researchers to win Apple’s sleek subnotebook for themselves and a rejection of the Sony Vaio and Fujitsu U810 computers that winning contestants could also have walked away with.

You don’t have administrative powers buddy when logging onto a Mac as a guest, if you robbed a Mac but couldn’t figure out the guy’s Admin password, and logged in as a guest, you wouldn’t get anything. BUT It does seem very probably that they wanted the MacBook Air. 



My Bite Into Apple

Reader Comments (4)

That news post is BS. They got to be kidding. If Apple where to get worse at keeping their system secure, they might as well just give up on Mac OS X. If security hacks were to go haywire in Mac OS X, then the whole OS would fall apart. One of the main reasons people switch to Macs are because of its secure OS!

June 22, 2009 | Unregistered Commentersman591

"Do you even know what you are saying? Apple’s Market Share is growing at an extremely fast rate, everyone knows, don’t deny it."

How was he denying it? He was the one who brought it up if i recall... "The revived popularity of Apple’s products, the researchers suggest, may have left Apple unable to keep up."

It makes perfect sense. They have a sudden boost of new users with more problems than ever before, exactly what to expect.

June 22, 2009 | Unregistered Commenterguy

@sman591 Yes, exactly!

@guy Ah yes, you're correct, I misunderstood that segment, I apologize. Will be edited for further notice, or possibly taken out. hehe.

June 22, 2009 | Registered CommenterJD Remington

This isn't even a real article. It's a fanboyish response to an article.

June 27, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterChristian

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