Hey Everyone,
Today I'll be talking about Ning. First off, Ning is a social network maker. Just for the people who don't know a social net work is like Myspace or Facebook.
Ning lets you build you own social network. You can do just about everything a big social network can do(like myspace of facebook). Such as add music, photos, videos, and blog posts. You can make groups and add friends and make your own profile. In fact you can use CSS to edit the style of your profile like myspace. Also if you make your own you can edit the style with CSS as well. I have used ning for a couple of months now and i give it 5 stars. The only hard part is getting people to come to your site. You can even pay to attach your own domain for $4.95 a month. Here is the best part. It's free, The only thing you would pay for is the premium services which are optional. So do i recommend it? Absolutely. In fact Chris Pirillo uses Ning to run his social network So if i were you and I wanted to make my own social network, I would definitely give it a shot.
My social network- ZeroStudio Social
My blog- Micblog
My Website- ZeroStudio
Twitter- ZeroStudio

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