Google Chrome OS
OK! So, you may or may not know Google are creating their own Operating System called 'Google Chrome OS.' The thing i want to know is, is this a good thing? or is this a bad thing?
In my eyes and the eyes of many other people, Google own too much of the Internet market share. They own some of the best and biggest websites on the web today. These include:, Google Mail, Google Docks etc and yes, Our all beloved 'YouTube.' People have mixed takes on weather they are doing a good job or not with YouTube but that's a different post, and also Googles latest addition to this is Google Chrome.
So, yeah! They have the top sites on the web, A web browser of their own and now they want there own OS. I don't know weather to laugh or cry.
While the new OS by Google 'Google Chrome OS' will not be a match for Windows or OS X now, in a few years they could own a few percentage of the OS market share. Now, that may not look or seem like allot but to Apple and Microsoft but more competition from a company as big as Google could be really bad in the few years to come.
Now i want to know, What's your takes on Google and what their doing. Personally i don't like it. But thats just one boys opinion.
Link to Google OS article:
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Reader Comments (7)
you deleted my comment ? your such a loser. I live in America, a free country with freedom of speech. All I did was state my opinion and it wasn't even mean. come on.....
Me! I didnt man. Check who your on about, you got thw wrong guy lol. this is my first post :D
Im for it. More choices mean the consumer and end-user win.
dude, I commented on this with my opinions about Google Chrome the browser and how I thought the OS would suck.
Well, I removed no comment. there is another post about google chrome os. that might be what your talking about :D
I don't know why people have gotten it into there heads the Google Chrome OS will kill Apple and Microsoft. It wont. It's targeted at netbooks, Google said that it was targeted at netbooks in the blog post. It's made for people who just want to have something that loads quick to check there email and watch some videos.
It. Will. Never. Kill. Apple or Microsoft.
Yeah Seth, I didn't say it will be a big threat. I am saying it will have a good percentage of the market share in years to come. Thats always bad for the competition (Microsoft and Apple)
Obviously, it will NEVER kill Windows or OS X (maybe linux though)