Sorry PS3 Slim, I like my consoles big and black.
I, for one, was stunned when I heard that the PS3 would be remodeled into a slim version. I mean, with all those leaked pictures and non-stopping rumors... who would have guessed? At your first glance, you will notice that the PS3 no longer has its shiny finish that pretty much made me buy the console to begin with. That's a fail Sony. I do, however, like the new logo printed on the top of the system itself. It feels modern and just right. When doing a side-by-side comparison with a normal PS3 you can see that the height is reduced by a few inches, the width is the same, and the entire thing isn't as chunky. When holding it in your hands, you can feel that the insides aren’t “moving around” like the older model, and heaviness is drastically reduced. It really reminds me of a PS2 because of its new power cable and various outlets. This version of the PS3 comes with 120 GB of memory, and is now priced at a low $300. *Sigh* Doesn't anyone remember the good ol' days when no one was able to get a PS3 and when you actually could find one you had to pay around $800 and then your father found out and he divorced your mother and all you had left was a console and some crappy ninja game that came with it? Or was that just me?

Reader Comments (9)
Am I allowed to make a perverted joke about the title? Catch my drift? Do you mind if I change the title when I get home, or can you now? Why am I asking all these questions?
Bravo man amazing blog alas this has happend to me also my father divorced my mother also your not alone.
I'm not saying I didn't personally make the title witty and humorous. ;)
P.A :D
make a youtube man
and i am not getting the slim, it looks like a waste of cash if u already have a ps3
lmao at the title
its sad how dave tweets about every socialblog except urs :( (sadface)
I like what The Writer is saying. alot of people miss there old big consoles like nes atari and N64. and slim versions often break easier then the bigger consoles, so even if it does look slimmer and sleak it dosent mean that its better. Good Job!
Dave will also delete your comment! So childish of him!
I delete comments to protect this blog from profanity. If you have something against me, shoot me an email and complain. Leave the writers out of this.