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Glee Episode 3 - Review

If you have even glanced at a television or looked on the internet in the past few months, chances are you would of heard of GLEE. It has been marketed and advertised like crazy and is, surprisingly, a good show. "Spectactular", "Gripping" and "Refreshing" are all words used to describe this new show. But what makes it so damn awesome?

It could possibly be the raw humour and blunt personalitities. Or it might be the characters, who are outrageously exxagerated versions of the stereotypical figures in high school today. You know them all; Jock, Cheerleader, Geek, etc... Or maybe it is the sense you get from watching it. The sense that it reminds you of a certain Disney Movie....maybe High School Musical? Yes, the storylines are almost the same (High school jock doesn't know he can sing, joins club and is worried what his friends will think, Blah Blah Blah). So the amazing popularity of GLEE could be coined down to the inherited popularity of High School Musical. But it isn't. GLEE has entirely different humour and jokes to High School Musical making it a different target audience.

But anyway, they are currently shown the third episode of the season called "Acafella's". It was good in my opinion but...not GLEE good. Seems sort of lower than their usual episodes but it was still funny. I wold have enjoyed more seeing the GLEE students perform a song but i suppose we will have to live with a song from the "Acafella's". So what did you all think? Did you like it? Have you not watch an episode yet? Comment or drop me a line on my twitter =].


Ben Richards

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