I'm looking for a tripod...
Hey guys, I just thought i'd post a blog today asking all of you for any help. You see, for Christmas I got a Kodak zi6 camcorder. It came with the camera itself, 2 kodak batteries (which had bad quality), and a 4 gb memory card (which made up for the batteries). Now, one thing it didn't come with was a tripod. Now, knowing this, I wouldn't have gotten this particular camera. I bought it brand new, and it had weird features in it, not the same features most original zi6 packages have.
I was quite upset that this camera didn't come with a tripod, and I thought I would just look past it anyway. Well, I can't. It's highly irritating and hard to use. I find myself not getting into the picture alot of times. Mostly everytime I record myself, I have to use a mirror to make sure my face is in the picture. Now that's highly irritating and i'm about sick of it! I'm looking for a tripod! So here's where you guys come in...
I'd like either a website recommendation, or anything I could get to find a zi6 tripod at a low price. It'd truely mean a lot to me. I'm not going to be shooting anymore videos with this camera until I get a tripod. So please, i'd really like a website domain, or any other recommendation. Anything and everything is appreciated. Thanks for all of your help.

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