Jailbreaking: The Pros and Cons
If you don't know what jailbreaking is, basically it allows iPhone and iPod Touch users to run unofficial code on there devices. Once jailbroken, iPhone and iPod Touch users are able to download many third party applications, themes mods and tweaks that you could not have downloaded if you were not jailbroken.
You can customize your entire device by downloading themes mods and tweaks from Cydia. You're able to make your iPod look completely different from all the other iPhones and iPods by downloading and applying themes which changes the wallpaper and icons.
Cydia = Application installed when you jailbreak your device that provides third-party applications not submitted/ approved by Apple.
-Free Applications
Some of Apple's applications are ridiculously high priced and sometimes you don't want to pay that much for one application. Using Installous (Can be downloaded through Cydia) you can get those apps for free.
-It's Easy
Thanks to Geohot, jailbreaking your device is incredibly easy. You can unlock your device by simply visiting jailbreakme.com with your Web browser and sliding a switch that jailbreaks the device and installs a copy of Cydia.
-Voids your warranty
This can be easily fixed. If you're iPhone or iPod is having problems and you feel like you need to take it in and you are jailbroken. All you need to do is plug in your device to iTunes and click restore. This will restore you whole device, and Apple will never know it was jailbroken.
-Slows down your Device
It slows down opening apps/ closing apps by 5-10 seconds.
-Battery Life
Some of the third party apps pull a lot of power from your device, which makes the battery drain and battery life shorter.
I personally have my iPod Touch jailbroken, and I've had it jailbroken for half a year and I love it. The shorter battery life is a pain though. I went to school today with full charge 100% and at the end of the day the battery was down to 16% and all I was doing was listening to music for about an hour in total and checking Twitter every couple of hours. Other than that, I haven't had any problems with jailbreaking :)
Reader Comments (2)
I have jailbroken my iPod touch in the past and restored after about a day. I didn't like it, there was just no good jailbreak apps for me and I don't like getting apps illegally.
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