Review: CyberClean
Recently the kind folks at CyberClean were kind enough to send me a Review Kit of CyberClean, I have to say. I am very pleased with this product. I couldn’t think of any bad sides to this product probably because there isn’t any!
The main purpose of the product is easy cleaning for your gadgets and home office electronics. Surprisingly it worked; As I said in my video review: It collects most dust, It is Cheap, It leaves slight Residue but it is near impossible to see and go’s within a few seconds, One of the most important it is safe for electronics. This was my main concern before trying out CyberClean – Obviously a ‘Near Liquid’ formula could be dangerous if water get’s into your gadgets, But CyberCleans residue is minimal and isn’t harmful. It also doesn’t feel sticky after cleaning products like Keyboards. It does last a considerable amount of time so you’ll get your fair use out of it, It obviously cleans hard to reach spots which couldn’t be reached by any other cleaning device/compound and last but certainly not least: It is effective but effortless. You can get your CyberClean at

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