Gizmodo iPhone 4G Story: My Thoughts
In this post I will be going over what has happened when Gizmodo got their hands on an iPhone 4G prototype. So, here’s a brief overview of what happened. An Apple Junior Engineer lost the prototype at a bar, it exchanged hands a few times, and Gizmodo actually bought the device for $5000. Then they went on to posting content about the prototype device on their website and even displayed the person’s name that lost the phone. I’m not a huge fan of that move. I abide by a strict code of ethics and that shouldn’t have happened. Checkbook journalism was also displayed in this case. But, if I had the money, I probably would’ve bought the device too and posted it on Well, if you want a full breakdown of the prototype device, be sure to check out the video. Thanks for taking the time to take a look at this post.
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