V-Moda Crossfade LP Headphones Unboxing and Overview
The Crossfade LP's are V-Moda's first attempt at producing a pair of over-the-ear headphones, as they usually tend to stick to developing their highly fashionable and superior sounding earbuds. Now, most companies usually flop when they try something new; this is not the case with the Crossfade LP's however. I have been testing them for a while now and I am very impressed with the build quality, how little sound they leak compared to the Beats By Dre's, the extravagant sound quality, along with the warm thumping bass that they can produce!
I hope that you enjoy this unboxing and overview video, I will be posting the review video very soon on both my YouTube channel and on TechExplosion.net
Submitted by
Luis Ingram
Aug 11, 2010 at 6:09 PM

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