World's Lightest Material: Micro-Lattice
Scientists in Irvine California have created a material that has now the worlds lightest solid material, dubbed "Micro-Lattice" with a density of just 0.9 mg/cm3 the material is around 100 times lighter than Styrofoam! Despite being 99.99 percent open volume, the material boasts impressive strength and energy absorption, making it potentially useful for a range of uses.
So what does this mean for the engineering, technology and science industries? Well, it means that possibly a lot more products could be built using this material, although research still continues into how large they can create this material without it being weak.
They say that aerospace companies have already sparked a big interest in the material and are willing to place a large amount of money into further research of this material.
The possibilities for something like this are endless. With new ideas being thought of all the time by amazing people and with materials such as this coming out, the future is beginning to look a lot more amazing.
Micro-Lattice is so light that it can be balanced on top of a dandelion.
So, does this mean we'll be seeing feather weight phones, laptops, cars or planes? Share your thoughts in the comments.

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