iPad 2 - Wife Said No, Apple Said Yes!
Apple has been watching iPad 2 returns like hawks over the past few days. There have been a good few problems with backlight leakages, microphone problems and some other minor stuff. However, one guy returned his iPad 2 because it was greeted with a frown when he showed his wife. He returned the iPad with a sticky note attached saying 'Wife said no'.
Some guys at Apple clearly found this funny and a couple of the VP's found out about it. In true Apple style they decided to send the guy an iPad 2 with a sticky note attached saying 'Apple said yes'. What a lucky guy.
Just a nice little story I thought I'd share - good to know someone still has a sense of humor.
Via: MacRumors
Submitted by
Jack Holmes
Mar 21, 2011 at 9:17 PM tagged
Apple said yes,
iPad 2,
wife said no

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