5 Things I Want in iOS 5
Here is my list of five things I hope Apple will include in the new iOS 5 in their keynote tomorrow at WWDC.
*As a side note these are not in any particular order.
1) New and improved YouTube app
One thing I personally do not like at all is the iOS YouTube app. If you ask me it's very cramped and is in major need of improvement.
2) More space in folder
I really liked Apples inclusion of folder in iOS 4. It helped people better organize their apps. But for some things 12 apps isn't enough. Apple should bump up the limit to at least 15.
3) Direct upload to Facebook, Twitter, etc. from Photos
Apples photos app is one of the best in my opinion. One thing it lack though is direct upload to Facebook, Twitter, and other social networking sites. Yes, I know there are apps you can do this with but in my opinion, and probably others to, straight from and album would be perfect.
4) Wireless syncing to iTunes
I tend to charge my iPhone directly to a wall outlet and sync it to my iMac once a week to check for updates, etc. But someone who's isn't much of a techie wouldn't sync it to their computer often. Wireless syncing would solve that problem.
5) Widgets on the lock screen
There are a lot of different widgets I would find useful to be able to put on the lock screen of an iOS device. An alarm widget or even a weather widget would be really beneficial.
In The End
So these are the things I am hoping to see in iOS 5. Some of you might ask why I didn't choose a new notification system. Well the answer is I don't think it needs one. In my opinion the current iOS notification system is just fine.

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