My Favorite Steve Jobs Moments
- Introduction of Macintosh
When Steve Jobs first introduced the Macintosh back in 1984, it raised the bar for technology back then. Even today, it's legacy lives on in designs like that of the iMac.
- The famous Stanford University Speech
This speech is known world wide for being done so perfectly. This shows Steve's amazing presentational skills along with his great personality.
- Introduction of the iPhone
This was the day history was made. The iPhone revolutionised the mobile world, and set the mark for many more mobile devices to come. One of the most memorable Steve Jobs presentations.
- Introduction of the iPad
When the iPad was launched it got a lot of hate. But now it is one of the most successful devices ever sold. Steve was clearly very exited to show this off to the world.
- Steve's "High School Memory"
One of Steve's most comical moments. He describes a prank including Steve Wozniak on how they used to mess with some of the other students in their dorm. Steve sure knows how to make the people laugh!
If I missed any of your favorite Steve Jobs moments, let me know! I'll be glad to check them out.

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