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Facebook to Hatebook

I can pretty much guarantee anyone who has a computer either has or has considered creating a Facebook account. It is just so appealing to people who love to stay up to date with what their peers are doing and the such. I myself class myself as a social media addict, I love Facebook just as much as Twitter, Gowalla, Get Glue and Dailybooth so you could say I know the layouts and the functions of these sites extremely well.

Yesterday, Facebook released a major layout update to its site. I along with a small community love the update, I think Facebook is going the right way at the minute and I can see it becoming even more of a success than it already is. But with every nice thing that is brought into this horrible world, haters and trolls who just have to hate everything someone or something does.

After mere minutes of the new layout being released my News Feed was completely filled with such educated and well thought through status updates like this one; "omg dis new fb is soo stupd!!! y is it lyk this!? sum1 get it of :(" So you can see my disappointment that I am actually friends with this person. 

First of all, Facebook is a free service. No one is asking you to pay money to use Facebook which is one of the best features in my opinion! So as a free service, Facebook can update the site as much as they want for all I care. As long as I am able to update my status, post pictures and interact with my friends, they can do what ever they want to. I can kind of see that people would be annoyed if they where paying big money to use Facebook's service but even still, the update is very good! 

Another thing, if updates didn't happen, Facebook would slowly fade away into the background quite like MySpace. MySpace rarely did major updates to their site which is probably the biggest reason to why so many users got bored of it and left to join Facebook. Those who join social networking sites need to realise that change is imminent, not everything can stay the sameThis brings me to my conclusion. For those who spammed the News Feed with how much they hate the new layout, why dont they just delete their profile? If they didnt have their Facebook profile they wouldn't need to put up with these "horrible" updates. The issue is, they simply will not delete their account because they cannot bring themselves to miss out on how much their friends "heart" various things. This is completely hyprocritical, if you hate something that much, leave the service! You wouldn't keep a job that you hate so why do it with something like Facebook? 

As I said before, those who join social networking sites should realise change is imminent and important for the business to stay alive. 



Reader Comments (4)

I see what you are trying to say dude, but i don't think you're actually saying it well.
so everyone who doesn't like the new facebook interface is automatically a "hater" and/or a "troll" ?
come on now....

sure people don't pay for the service but it's because of the people who log in to Facebook everyday that its owners are filthy rich. no users, no money. So, in my opnion, people have every right to complain if they want and doing so, should not label them as haters or trolls.
just my 2 cents dude. keep up the good work.

September 23, 2011 | Unregistered CommenterLuis G.

I think it's perfectly fine as long as the feedback is constructive. I complained that there was no way to quickly get to the recent stories anymore, and then I sent the suggestion to Facebook. I wake up today and they added a button to get to the recent stories! Now I'm a happy camper and the user experience is better.

That said, I'm really looking forward to the updates they showed off at f8.

September 23, 2011 | Unregistered CommenterIrock

Actually the reason why most people left Myspace was because of updates. Nobody liked what happened to the website after Tom sold it. The only thing I dislike about Facebook's new updates is the privacy issues. I don't want people knowing exactly what I'm doing, watching, or listening to at all times. Plus, with how personal Facebook is getting, it's so easy for a stalker to add someone and find out what they're doing. For example, The Nike app video they presented yesterday showed exactly where that woman was running at. She could easily get snatched up by some random creep that added her on Facebook.

September 23, 2011 | Unregistered CommenterScott

It goes like this, if there is something new, someone is bound to hate it. This comes with the package of change. So granted, there will be people who won't like it at first. But I am sure, just like when facebook was first created, people will start to enjoy it more and more by the day.

Gotta get used to this fact. Saves a lot of stress and time.

September 23, 2011 | Unregistered CommenterRyan Cruey

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