Record Wildlife for iPhone Review
Biodiversity and the continued protection of the natural environment of indigenous wildlife are a major concern for many. The only way to achieve that goal of protection in the UK is to monitor the current habits and numbers of those animals and watch for changing patterns. Through such knowledge, changes can be made before it is too late.
This app makes it easy to monitor and record wildlife. It provides a notepad, GPS and a camera, so you can record all relevant information. It will also generate details like the species captured, and the position on an Ordnance Survey grid, giving you a profession report every time.
How It Works
Just put in the information, including notes, when you take an identifying picture. It will fill in the rest of the info for you. You can then save the report and reference it later in your sighting logs. This makes it a simple matter to monitor the patterns of those animals that you record over a longer period of time, all in a single place.
This app is very useful for the amateur surveyer, and a great way to help monitor the ecosystem within the UK. The GPS and Ordnance Survey grid make finding your exact location during a sighting easy. It is also free, so what are you waiting for?

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