First Look at the New Google Nexus 7
After the huge success of the first Nexus 7 by Google and Asus, a newer and more updated tablet was to be expected. None the less, the new, second generation Nexus 7 seems to contain most of the features that were deemed "missing" on the Nexus 7, with vast improvements of course! For instance, the Nexus 7 comes equipped with a 1.5Ghz Snapdragon quad core processor along with 2Gb of ram. Additionally, the Nexus 7 even holds the title for "The World's Highest Resolultion 7 Inch Tablet", with over 2.3 million pixels in the palm of your hand. The tablet is even complimented with full 1080p HD video recording capabilities. Not persuaded that the Nexus 7 is a great product with great specs yet? Then look at the first look and my first impressions of the Nexus 7 right out the box.

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