Khan Academy
Not too long ago we looked at a website that was dedicated to teaching you code. But what other educational needs? What if, you want to refresh your memory on some kind math skill, or eve teach your child something so that they are better prepared for when they get into school? I came across an advertisement for a website that was being praised as a good learning tool. That website is Khan Academy. Following a similar concept to code academy this website is dedicated to teaching you math, economics and finance, science, and several other forms of topics.
This is a good learning tool for helping your child out with some basic math, or teaching yourself calculus. In fact, how this method of teaching is done is through an interactive video and exercise. The video will have a narrator explaining what you have to do while the exercise allows you to practice the problem for yourself. This allows you to see what you did right or wrong. Another cool thing about this service is the ability to create and practice on created exercises. People will comment and let you know if something is wrong or right, give you tips on how to do something, or even just to explain something simple. The community is a large portion of the service itself.
Of course if you have a good skill in something you can always sign up to be a coach for a new section or already existing sections of the website. You can donate for a better cause to help them out more and so on so forth. So if you want to learn something new, or just help someone out on something give khan academy a try. It’s never too late to expand your brain to newer horizons.
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