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What's Your Favorite SubReddit?

Wondering what to read over the weekend or during your coffee break? Our readers are sharing their favorite Reddit subreddits: Warning! They can be highly addictive time-wasters!

A. Ryan Bozeman (Founder)

I can't stop checking out /r/TrueFilm.


For film buffs, there really isn't a better subreddit out there. The in-depth discussion and actual analysis is something you'd be hardpressed to find anywhere else on Reddit. I've also learned about movies that went on to become some of my favorite films ever from there!

A. CharlesFloate (God of SEO)

I've been using Reddit for close to 3 years now, and there's a few SubReddits that have stuck out to me.


Instead of your average news articles, this SubReddit causes a real discussion around pieces that have been featured in the news, rather than just viral headlines hitting the top spots, you get actual people talking about how the media and news is run and how they find information for themselves. 


One that only people within the SEO Industry might find helpful, but it has a real sense of community.. Even if that community likes to gang-up sometimes! 

SEO is filled with people being very focused around a specific form of hat, whereas bigseo seems to be very unbias, which is why I love it so much.


Who doesn't want to see amazingly funny, new videos almost every day? 


I haven't ever seen this kind of style before, but bestof is an amazing place where the community behind Reddit really kicks into action. I've learned a LOT from using this community over the past few months, and it's always got one of those "faith in humanity, restored" feelings when you look through it.

A. Paul Manwaring (Paul @ IMH Blog)

Really i think any sub reddit that is related to your niche is going to be a gold mine, the community on Reddit as a whole is excellent. For me it's the design and adobe software sub reddits that have provided me with so much information and advice whenever I get stuck.

A. KnowTechie (Kevin Raposo)

You can call me a "Redditor".  I seriously love Reddit. I really do. How can you not? 

In all seriousness, this is one of my top tools when it comes to content creation. When you're stuck on an idea, find a funny picture or thread, and just read the comments that people leave behind. Some if it's genius.

My personal subreddit? r/funny

A. Erik Emanuelli (No Passive Income)

I find Reddit an amazing community of very smart people.

There are so many users who are smart above average and not just reading the posts, but also the comments are indeed worth your time.

TodayILearnedI am subscribed to several subreddits, but I like to mention "TodayILearned", which is really interesting in order to check something new to hear everyday.

Then I love "Iama", where you can ask direct questions, even to famous people (I've read about actors, celebrities, or oddities and curiosities from the world).

Finally, I recommend a Reddit Classic, some subreddits about cats, like "Cats", "Lolcats", and "CatPictures" : just simply looking at the kitten images is awesome! :-)

A. SEO Doctor (Gareth James)

Here's my top 5 sub-Reddits which I most visit:

/r/earthporn - for amazing photography

/r/bigseo/ - as its my profession

/r/Entrepreneur/ - to discover what like minded people are up to

/r/onions/ - for exploring the deep web

/r/visualization/ - for those who are involved in producing high end content

What's your favorite SubReddit?

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