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Intelligent Lighting: Illuminate The Path To Savings

In a world where energy costs are soaring and people are ever more environmentally conscious, it pays dividends to be energy efficient. Although sustainable energy sources and government incentives are an increasingly hot topic, some key money-saving areas often get overlooked.

In the average office environment, almost 40% of annual energy consumption can be attributed to lighting. Many businesses are now switching on to the reality of how much they could save by introducing intelligent lighting systems.

Sustainable Lighting and Commercial Lighting Systems

It’s been known for some time that energy efficient light sources such as fluorescent lamps and LEDs can enhance money-saving efforts, and thanks to modern technology these types of bulbs now have longer lifespans than ever. Installing a full intelligent lighting system can further advance the sustainable properties of LED and fluorescent lights, by optimising their usage.

One of the ways in which this can be achieved is through daylight harvesting, minimising brightness in areas where more natural light is present. Meanwhile, sensor lights can be used in rooms with lower footfall, automatically turning off the light when the space is vacant for a short amount of time, and further helping to curb overall business expenditure.

As well as vastly reducing replacement and maintenance costs, LEDs and fluorescent lights are a safer alternative to traditional lighting, with no mercury components and much improved fire resistance. When installed as part of a commercial intelligent lighting system, the safety and aesthetics of these bulbs are further enhanced, and the saving potential is enormous.

Improving the Workplace

The benefits of intelligent lighting in an office go far beyond energy saving. Low quality or improper lighting mean employees often have to deal with glare and poor contrast on their computer screens, which can lead to eyestrain and headaches. An improved lighting system can in turn bring benefits for employee satisfaction, as well as a sharpened focus on work. The aesthetic value and the indication that attention is being paid to more environmentally friendly energy methods will also resonate well with clients and other visitors to your premises.

Intelligent Lighting Installation

Many elements need to be taken into consideration when switching to an intelligent lighting system; it’s not as simple as swapping around the light fittings. A full analysis of a building is required, with occupancy mapping and local conditions examined for each room in order to assess requirements. This level of detail means the building can be optimised for the highest level of efficiency and controlled wirelessly with precise levels of adjustment. An independent renewable energy firm can ensure that you get the best solution for your business, tailored to your needs and budget.

UK businesses and the public sector are all wising up to the huge savings on energy bills that low energy lighting technologies can bring. With savings of up to 90% achieved using intelligent light systems, it’s clear that these modern lighting methods are leading the way to a brighter future for businesses.

This article was written by Kelly Gilmour-Grassam with useful information from GMI Energy. Kelly is a Yorkshire lass who enjoys eating out in interesting places. You can follow her on Twitter @KellyGGrassam

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