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Most Popular Web Development Frameworks: What Is Better To Use For A Business Site

Before to release a site for business, we ought to define the main tool for its creating.

Yes, this is a task for programmers, but a businessman should also know advantages of some programming languages to choose the most suitable one for his undertaking.

So let’s look into all popular frameworks that help to succeed in business.

At first, what is a framework? For people not connecting with a programming sphere, it seems too incomprehensibly. What does it mean – ‘frame’ and ‘work’? Literally, it is the platform helping to construct the site with blocks. Programmers build the site brick by brick, choosing appropriate components for order’s preferences. It depends on what the order does and what he prefers to see on the ready site.

As you see, web development includes a well-provided business strategy. The more exactly it is planned the better the site and business will move ahead. Many owners have already chosen this web development standard, and others are about to do it. Statistics show that an average owner chooses this method. Each web development company wants him to succeed in his business, doing its best, because his success is its success. Frameworks solve such issue excellent.

However, what are the most suitable frameworks for business site development? Let’s take under a little investigation to ask the question.


Ruby-on-Rails is definitely a leader of all the methods. It makes a plenty of creative solutions. The framework is being written in Ruby programming language. This technology is used for ordinary sites that must be fast, fault-tolerant, working with high capacity and for web apps with complex business logics and dynamic interfaces. The framework writing in Ruby is called ‘Rails’.

The Ruby-on-Rails advantages, which businessmen would interested in, are following.

-    Fast developing.

This framework implements any web projects faster than another one using PHP and Java languages. Time of developing is order’s money. Therefore, this is a perfect way to launch a website as soon as Ruby programmers work. It means faster than others do.

-    Easier implementation of a complex business structure.

This script allows making complicated business schemes that otherwise would require more capacity from executors and thereby would be more expensive. ‘Rails’ is writing a nice code that will be easily used by any programmer further, if the order likes to change something.

-    High programming level of executors.

Programmers working with Ruby are more proficient than their PHP and Java colleagues are. Usually, they had worked in programming for years and become Ruby developers after a big practice. Thus, addressing to such sphere orders have a chance to get professional supporting the site.


Symfony is a highly productive framework writing in PHP 5. It is based on Model View Controller. To choose this method orders should know that speed of developing would be slower than of the previous one. Partly Symfony seems a little bit academic and obtrusive. Yes, this framework will implement all tasks, but it will be more expensive the same time. 

We resume its advantages down here.

-    Flexible programming model.

Like Ruby-on-Rails, other specialists could easily change this platform. The only difference is a programming language.

-    Comprehensive approach in developing.

It helps to implement a great deal of tech creativity, but tools for that is a little chaotic. The flaw of this technology is too complicated structure about what programmers often complain. So, we see, this technology has advantages that compensated by flaws.


This is also a PHP framework. The name ‘Yes it is’ was shortened up to ‘Yii’.

-       Fast implementation.

The main feature of the platform is supporting an ability to generate code templates reusing one code many times. Thereby the framework can make programming work structured. It significantly saves time and influences on whole work. That is why developers often choose Yii.

-       Data storing.

By the way, Yii like Rails supports clouds technologies that allow saving data distantly. It will help if something get wrong and the site loses important information.

The framework is suitable for developing of portals, forums, CMS, e-commerce. In other words, it is able to create an online shop, a catalog, a news portal. Yii is designed very accurately, according to all requirements necessary for web applications creating. 


Likewise, Zend framework works. It runs on a PHP code too.

-       Extended tools for site creating

It contains many libraries useful for site building such as components integrating with outside services ( YouTube, etc). Zend is also supplied with Java frameworks Dojo that helps to introduce extra opportunities for Zend web development.

A professional opinion

However, what framework do businessmen prefer more often? We address this question to programmers at web development company VironIT.COM

‘Usually it does not matter if we write in Symfony or another language’, the developer Ivan Koltsov says. ‘Each proficient programmer would manage to implement an idea with any tools if only he was skilled. Necessary to understand the task, comprehend what the order wants as a result and predict issues he could face to. However, sometimes a team brainstorming the challenge is able to move mountains’.

So, we’d like to resume, the question ‘ what framework to choose’ depends on a kind of future site activity. Frankly speaking, many of these platforms manage to solve all challenges. The main questions, a businessperson might ask, are ‘What is a price?’ and ‘How long does it take?’ Time depends on a challenge of a project. For example, an average website takes approximately a month. The price is formed by many factors such as a country with its inside market, a programming language chosen for this implementation, etc. For example, in the USA orders pay at least 300$ per hour for developing, in Belarus they could pay 20-25$ per hour for the same result.

Yury Antonay, marketing manager of

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