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New iPhone 3g Ad

While searching Apple's website I came across this brand new iPhone 3g Ad. It had showed all of the nifty apps that are available for purchase. It's amazing how many Applications are available for iPhone and iPod Touch users.

Click on the link above to view the new ad as well as view the others!




Is Windows 7 our SP2?

With Microsoft's latest public beta release of Windows 7, many PC users are questioning whether or not this is truly a "whole new OS". 


Vista SP1 officially released almost a year ago, and between then and today it's quite obvious Vista's bugs are overwhelming most day-to-day users. Conveniently enough, Windows 7 Beta launches, introducing a new taskbar and some revised coding (now the operating system is "snapper" according to Microsoft). But other than that, there's not much new in Windows 7. Take out the new taskbar and what do you have? Bug fixes. And that's it. It seems as though with Microsoft's employee layoffs, they have to put something on shelves to vacuum cash back into seemingly endless pockets. What better way than to disguise Vista with a new taskbar and bug fixes? 

Now, it's not just bug fixes in Windows 7. At some point, we'll also see multi-touch functionality. Which is great and all, but we need to look at what people own. Quite frankly, I don't see anyone using a touch-screen computer. Desktop, or laptop, they're just not out there. My Circuit City has none, my Best Buy has none, and they're rare to find on Amazon. 

So is Windows 7 simply a mockup of Vista SP2? Are we going to have to pay another $299 for Vista? I sure hope not. Until I see true "human-friendly features" from Windows again, I'm sticking to OS X. Snow Leopard is going to add a Ferrari engine to our Cadillac, and I can't wait. And Microsoft, let's start looking at what people have, and adapt to that, shall we? And let's also remove the whole "Windows 7" branding and just call it what it is: Vista Service Pack 2. 


(P.S.; First blog post! I'm very excited and privileged to be a part of TheCreativeOne blog community.)


iMovie HD Download No Longer Available

According to Mac Rumors, Apple is no longer offering iMovie HD as a free "downgrade" from iMovie 08. 

Apple decided to offer a free version of iMovie HD to those who purchased iLife 08 because of the strong negative response to iMovie 08.

On a personal note, I am one of those who hated iMovie 08, so I am still using iMovie HD. And, while iMovie 09 does look fantastic, I am a bit worried about the thought of not having the tried and tested iMovie available for download.

It seems apple has faith that iMovie 09 will take off. Let's hope they're right.

I'll give you my take as soon as I get my copy of iLife 09


UPDATE (Wyatt)

iMovie is still on the server for download, but no longer in the downloads section. 

Probably will be gone soon.


iLife 09' Now Available

If you haven't already heard from Apple, Best-Buy, or Twitter, Apple's new iLife 09' is now available in-stores. They are currently selling at any Best-Buy and soon Apple Stores around the area. If you don't know what iLife is, go to Apple's website and it will be there. There are two models, one single user for $79 and a Family Pack for $100. I would definitely suggest purchasing this. If I do happen to buy this, expect a detailed review. Thanks for reading!


(Image courtesy of Apple


Wii Interactive WhiteBoard

Since the Wii controller can track sources of infrared light, I decided to make a pen that emits this invisible light source. For under $50 I bought the supplies (listed below) to create such a pen. This pen involved severe modding, and a whole days work, but is defiantly worth it. To summarize, This allows you to turn any monitor / projector into a multi-thousand dollar touchscreen device.


  • Supplies Used
  • Infrared light emitter & detector x1 (The Source)
  • General copper bounded wire x3 (The Source)
  • Red push button switch x1 (The Source)
  • AA battery power source x1 (The Source)
  • 30W Soldering Iron x1 (The Source)
  • 15 ft Solder x1 (The Source)
  • 1 “Big Daddy” extra large pen x1 (Buck or Two)
  • Total Cost - $58.78

This is a project of Johnny Lee's. I do not take credit, but I am simply posting my success.