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Follow-Up Steve Jobs Not Coming Back to Apple? Analysts Speculate So

     We have all heard of the recent news that Steve Jobs will be taking a medical leave of absence until the end of June, however, in a recent post on they speculate that he will not be coming back to Apple.

      According to Roger Kay an Endpoint Technologies analyst, “My bet is he’s not coming back…despite all the protestations, I think he has cancer. They talk about digestive this and digestive that, but forget all the buzz you’re hearing. Just look at the photos.”*

      While Roger Kay seems to be harsh in all reality he may be right. Steve would maybe not admit to having cancer for fear that it might send his company spiraling downwards. I am going on a limb here by saying that maybe he is taking these months off to prove to society that Apple is not going to tank with his leave.

      We all hope that Steve Jobs will return to Apple in June, however, Apple will not be too different without him. He would not leave his company that he built from the ground-up, to people whom he felt were unqualified.

      I as well with probably everyone reading this articles wishes the best for Steve and his health, however, it is about time we let our pre-conceived notion that Steve=Apple’s success go. Apple will continue to be the computer manufacturer that Steve envisioned it to be, and if matters really do get worse he can always lend a helping hand. Apple is great, Apple was created by Steve, Apple was saved by Steve, Apple was Steve, but now Apple is Apple, and that will not change.

*Information courtesy of

*Image courtesy of


Steve Jobs Taking Medical Leave of Absence Until June

Most of you know by now that yesterday Steve Jobs is leaving Apple and taking a break from Apple until the end of June. I have to say that I am disappointed because we all know that there is no Apple without Steve. However I do respect his decision because right now it's not the best time for Jobs to focus on Apple, he needs to focus on his health these days. He announced it by writing a letter to the Apple community and later on made it to the news. 


I am sure all of you saw my letter last week sharing something very personal with the Apple community. Unfortunately, the curiosity over my personal health continues to be a distraction not only for me and my family, but everyone else at Apple as well. In addition, during the past week I have learned that my health-related issues are more complex than I originally thought.

In order to take myself out of the limelight and focus on my health, and to allow everyone at Apple to focus on delivering extraordinary products, I have decided to take a medical leave of absence until the end of June.

I have asked Tim Cook to be responsible for Apple's day to day operations, and I know he and the rest of the executive management team will do a great job. As CEO, I plan to remain involved in major strategic decisions while I am out. Our board of directors fully supports this plan.

I look forward to seeing all of you this summer.


After Jobs said this, Apple's stock went very low.

To get some things right, Steve Jobs does not have cancer, he was a hormone imbalance which explains why he is so skinny. He is also not retiring from Apple, he is just taking a break to focus on his health issues because they've gone more complex that he thought. 

I'm not those type of people that like to get into other people's lives, this is probably the most I am going to talk about Steve Jobs.



The Palm Pre

     I, like many others, were very disappointed with the recent MacWorld and instead found solice with the recent Palm keynote, where they unveiled the Palm Pre. I, like many others, were blown away by this device and its completely new OS. In this article I will give a general overview of the devices hardware and software.

     The phone looks amazing and is generally the same size as the iPhone. It has a glossy display and a 3.1-inch touch screen said to be as good or even better then the iPhone’s. It contains a bit of a curve that ergonomically fits to your face and hand. In addition, there is a slide-out QWERTY keyboard. The device also contains a black gesture area, a small button in the center similar to the iPhones home button. This button is used to control the “cards” of the device, which I will get into later. To charge the device there is a MicroUSB port however it has the capability to wirelessly charge through the use of inductive charging. Also, as with most phones these days, it has a 3-megapixel camera.

     The software of the Pre contains so many features that I would highly recommend you to view the keynote, however, I will explain the most significant ones. The UI uses pinch in/out zooms, and is said to be, overall, very smooth. To use the interface you utilize the black gesture area, right under the actual touch screen, and button mentioned earlier. A distinguishing factor of the phone is how it never leaves the application that you’re currently using when you need to go to another one. For example, you’re typing an email and forgot a quote instead of quitting the email or saving it as a draft you can open a new card, copy the quote (yes it has copy/paste) go back to the email card and paste it in. To navigate through cards you use swipe gestures in the gesture area. Also bringing your thumb up from the gesture area will bring up a “wave” of quick select applications.

     The Palm Pre “knows what your thinking before you do.” This means that if, for example, you’re having a conversation with a friend, Julie, on the Palm’s IM client and Julie has just signed off, instead of switching to SMS you can continue to type your message and the Pre will route it to the person’s cell phone number. It also contains a feature similar to Leopards spotlight. If you begin typing lets say “Jack Johnson,” it will bring up a list of items that the Pre thinks your talking about, so it could bring up a contact named John, and if it your phone yields no results it gives you the option to search the web.

     The Pre will be released on the Sprint network at around 399 dollars, however there is too much speculation on the price of the contract to give you guys a definite amount.

     Palm has made great advances in both their hardware and software with the Pre. Many people speculate that this is the “true” iPhone killer. While I think that the iPhone is immortal I believe that those who have been thinking of switching from Sprint to AT&T for the iPhone will reconsider and buy the Pre.


Palm Pre Keynote

Funny Story of the Day...Click Here

Palm Pre image courtesy of

Funny Story of the Day courtesy of



The Tech Side of Music!

     As technology advances and the masses demand more and more, different avenues of technology have received the overflow of benefits.  One of those avenues happens to be music.  Music has integrated itself with tech from amps, to synthesizers, to computer software, but with the rising popularity of DJ's, techno, and electronica in general, some products truly show how intuitive they really are.  One of these products happen to be the KP3 (KAOSS Pad).

     This piece of equipment has conjoined sampling with amazing effects that allow you to alter tracks as a DJ, program and record with an interesting twist, or completely change a song played live.  Most of this can be done with other equipment, but what makes the KP3 (rather the entire line of KAOSS Pad products) is the touch screen display.  Manipulating music becomes nothing more than setting up samples, synth loops, and anything else you can put on an SD card, then dragging your finger across the pad to create an amazing breadth of different sounds.  New effects algorithms give it originality when using the built-in synth settings and  a new pad lighting system sets 64 individual LEDs in an 8x8 grid under the pad to track what is being manipulated/ what patterns are currently being played.  Many bands have picked up the trend of this amazing piece of equipment and have brought out the possibilities of what can be done with it.

     An example is my band (shameless plug insert here).  Follow the link and have a listen here!
     Other bands have used this product and have shown that it isn't limited to the electronica genre.  Having personal experience with the KP3 live and in the studio, I have to say it is an upgrade from previous KAOSS Pads and is truly a unique item among the knobs and buttons most offer.   This is a definite buy for serious musicians, but at a solid $400, it might not be for the casual musician, although Korg does have smaller versions for around 100-300.  Enjoy!


Innovation with great Expectations!

     Over the past few years the Mac community has grown a great deal. Millions of Apple products have been sold. Apple products are not only advanced, but are also innovative. Mac OS X Leopard is the worlds most advanced operating system to date. The next release of the operating system, Mac OS X Snow Leopard will surpass Linux and Windows in advancements such as performance, stability, security and overall ease of use. Apple has taken digital media to the next level with the new iPod line.

     The iPhone and iPod touch are portable Macs on the move. With them you are always connected to what you enjoy doing best. At Macworld ’09 the company released the new 17-inch Macbook Pro that set a new standard for the next generation of portable Laptops, with its new built-in battery that lasts up to eight hours on a single charge. With a company like Apple creating outstanding products, the Mac community has a great deal to look forward to in the future.

     I present the Mac community with a new slogan for 2009:

                                            “Innovation with great Expectations”