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Entries by Eric Jess (3)


Connecting to Chat Rooms Using Mibbit

There may come a day where our site is blocked and you cannot access the chatroom. Well there is a solution to that. It is called Mibbit it's a online IRC experience in which you can connect to our live chatroom. It is a web-based interface to IRC. Our chatroom is located at and the channel name is #EricJess. All you do is connect there and pick a nick name and you are good to go. Mibbit works everywhere as long as you have a connection and a Internet browser with no downloads and other worries. No IRC Clients set up, and free as can be. It's not just us on Mibbit you can disover many other chatrooms, by using the keyword or server names. Be careful though there is no way in guaranteeing your saftey. You cannot just jump onto any server thinking you are safe. I recommend staying in places you know such as our great network Geekshed or other large and well known IRC Networks such as DALNET or Freenode.   Here is a list of Features Mibbit has to offer

  • Full IRC functionality
  • Chat histories
  • Create your own channels
  • YouTube and Flickr inline
  • Colors and smileys
  • Multi-language UI
  • Live chat translation
  • Desktop notifications
  • Word filters
  • Supports SSL IRC connections
  • Setup auto connects to join your favourite channels

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My iPad 2 Search

For the last few days I have been running around the Los Angles area with a friend from Las Vegas looking for an iPad 2 for her. She came down and wanted met to set it up. I gladly would if we could find one.

We went everywhere, and I mean everywhere; to three Targets, two Walmarts, three RadioShacks, Sams Club and two Best Buys -- everywhere. When we went to BestBuy, all they had was the 3G 16 GB version; she had no reason to get a 3G. Then we went to two different Targets, where they were all sold out. Finally, the third Target had a 64 GB, which she didn’t think she needed all that, so we went to Walmart... none. Sams Club only had the first genereation iPad.

With all the frustration, she just threw in the towl, and said I will just get the 64 GB. She just wanted the iPad, so we decided to go back to Target, remember where they “said” they had the 64 GB iPad Wi-Fi. Well, we showed up, walked our way down to the tech department, and asked the man if he could get us the iPad 2 64 GB Wi-Fi. His rude self walked to get us the iPad and then said, "So you want the 3G?" We responded "No." He just walked away.

I was shocked and didn’t really know what to say. He then said “Too bad. I guess we don’t have the Wi-Fi, but only the 3G.” At that time I was about ready to punch someone in the face. We went home, with no iPad. So my questions is, where the hell can I get an iPad in the Los Angeles Metro Area?


Microsoft Store Experience

I was down in Mission Viejo, California this last weekend and of course had to stop at The Shops at Mission Viejo. Not only does it have some great restaurants, but also happens to have a Microsoft Store and I wasn't going to go past that store.

Before I stopped by the Microsoft Store, I passed by a Apple Store, of course I had to walk in. I ended up having a half and hour conversation with a Apple employee. We discussed Lion and the new MacBook Air. But I made sure to mention my intentions in this shopping center, to go to the Microsoft Store. He rolled his eyes, seems as they have there beef in that store. He said, you mean the store, that looks just like our store. I chuckled, and told him to have a nice evening.

I made my way out of the very crowded Apple Store, walked a few stores down to find a glass Microsoft Store, it did look very familiar. I walked into the store, was not as busy as the Apple Store by any means. I walked in, explained to the a women that happened to be staff, that I am a blogger and would love to do a tour, of the store. She asked her manager and they said that it was fine.

I then started the tour, I started to notice the laptops, that had none of the annoying stickers, or any of the crap load of trial software loaded on them. I walked and saw a kindle, and more. I was glad I got to check out the Microsoft Store, Staff seemed nice, and I will definitely make my way again. It was intresting to see the controversey between the Microsoft Store and Apple Store I suggested they played a baseball game, Apple employee's comment "We will win everytime."
