Connecting to Chat Rooms Using Mibbit
There may come a day where our site is blocked and you cannot access the chatroom. Well there is a solution to that. It is called Mibbit it's a online IRC experience in which you can connect to our live chatroom. It is a web-based interface to IRC. Our chatroom is located at and the channel name is #EricJess. All you do is connect there and pick a nick name and you are good to go. Mibbit works everywhere as long as you have a connection and a Internet browser with no downloads and other worries. No IRC Clients set up, and free as can be. It's not just us on Mibbit you can disover many other chatrooms, by using the keyword or server names. Be careful though there is no way in guaranteeing your saftey. You cannot just jump onto any server thinking you are safe. I recommend staying in places you know such as our great network Geekshed or other large and well known IRC Networks such as DALNET or Freenode. Here is a list of Features Mibbit has to offer
- Full IRC functionality
- Chat histories
- Create your own channels
- YouTube and Flickr inline
- Colors and smileys
- Multi-language UI
- Live chat translation
- Desktop notifications
- Word filters
- Supports SSL IRC connections
- Setup auto connects to join your favourite channels
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