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Entries by Griffin Flais (6)


Panasonic HM-TA1 Camcorder Test Footage

About a week ago I was browsing for some camcorders when I found the Panasonic HM-TA1. This is a point and shoot camorder that can record in 1080p and exports in MP4 format for easy uploading to social networking sites or really wherever you choose. Another feature I found interesting is that the camcorder has a webcam mode so you can plug it into your computer to use in applications such as Skype. Here is a link for the product on Amazon.



iTunes: Is It Worth It?

iTunes is one of the most convenient ways to get music. We all know that. It's as simple as getting on your computer and clicking some buttons. Yet, since 2007, Apple has charged up to $1.29 on some songs. The reason behind this is a feature called "iTunes Plus". What iTunes Plus does is raise the bitrate on songs, leading to a higher sound quality. If you have older songs that were not downloaded in the iTunes Plus format, then you can upgrade those songs for as little as 30 cents.

Now this doesn't really sound too bad, but the problem is the songs. This may sound odd, since I just said a bunch of nice things about them, but I don't mean the sound of the songs, I'm talking about the choices. If you go over to the top ten most downloaded songs chart on the iTunes store home page, you will notice that the price of each song is almost always $1.29. However, if you look at the more indie or just unpopular songs, they are usually 99 cents. Well, doesn't this make sense for Apple to do this? If you have something that will make you money, why not try to get the most out of it? Personally, I don't think this is bad at all. If I was the person in charge, I would probably do the same thing. But in the view of the consumer, they may not be getting the best value towards their music.

Most average users assume that since iTunes is meant for iPods, they shouldn't use some other downloading site. Yet, if people explore their options a little more they may find that iTunes isn't the best fit for them. Sites like Rhapsody allow users to download and listen to as much music as they want for a monthly rate. If you listen to a lot of music, maybe you should consider ditching iTunes. 

Being an iTunes user that is considering switching, I also want to hear what you guys have to think! Does anyone reading use Rhapsody or other music downloading sites? If so, leave a comment saying how you like it!



How to Make Calls on Your iPod touch or iPad for Free

Many people may not know this, but if you have an iPod Touch or iPad, a pair of headphones with a microphone, and a wi-fi signal you can make calls to any phone number in the U.S for free! This all happens with an app called iCall, which is available in the app store. There are similar apps like iCall that are available, but I've honestly never tried them. For a free app, iCall works very well and can make a great backup source in case of your phone dying or breaking. Here's how to set up iCall in 6 simple steps:

1. Open up the App Store and search "icall". The first result, which is technically called "iCall Free VoIP" should appear. Then proceed to download the app.

2. Open up iCall. It may take a few seconds to load and find the server. Once iCall loads you will be presented with a terms of use page. Touch the "I agree" button.

3. The next page you will be brought to is a "Choose your account type" page. There is a paid version of iCall, but if you want the free version, touch the "Free Calling" button.

4. Now you will be asked to put in your contact information. Do so, then touch the continue button.

5. The next page you will be brought to is the "Phone Verification" page. Touch the "Place verification call" button. A prompt will pop up saying that you will have to dial a U.S phone number. Touch the ok button.

6. A new prompt will appear saying to dial a specific number on your cell phone. Once you call the number, it should hang up right away. Then press the ok button and you should be greeted with the last prompt telling you that you have successfully activated your iCall account. You will then be taken back to the dialer page where you can start making calls!

I hope this tutorial helps. Some side notes to consider are that in the beginning of your call, you are presented with a 10-15 second add. This can be a pain but it is still worth the free calling. Another note is that you have a 4 minute limit for calls. Again this is a real downside but it shouldn't be a deal breaker.



iPad 2 to Possibly Be Announced on March 2

If all of the rumors are true, Apple will be holding a event in San Francisco on March 2 to announce the iPad 2. This amidst speculation that the iPad 2 would be delayed and other rumors involving the health of Steve Jobs. If Apple does announce the iPad 2 it is almost certain that it will feature a front-facing camera and be thinner than the original, 0.5-inch thick tablet. There will also likely be a performance boost with a RAM upgrade and possibly even dual-core processors.

Some other rumors involving the iPad 2 are that it might feature a retina display. However, the display will probably just be improved since adding a retina display of that size would likely result in a decent price increase. I really hope a gyroscope is added since seeing it on the iPhone 4, games have a more realistic feel to them which leads to a better user experience.

What kind of things do you want to see on the iPad 2? Leave a comment below!



PhotoChop: A Fun, Free Photo Editing App

Recently I came across a really neat photo editing app that is available in the app store for free! It's called PhotoChop and basically it allows you to chop (hence the name, PhotoChop) people or whatever you desire out of a photo and insert it into a background. Once you are done you can save your photo, upload it to Facebook, or email it. I think it's a great free app and you should definitely check it out!

Here's a YouTube video I made to show a more in-depth look. Bare with me as I don't have much experience with video.

