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Entries by Jordan (12)


Using Activity Monitor To Your Advantage

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Activity Monitor is a free utility included with Macs. It is super useful. To find it go to Finder, then Applications > Utilities > Activity Monitor. 

It can tell you what is happening with your CPU, RAM, Drives, and Network. I find it most useful to use it to see how much RAM and CPU each app and process on my MacBook Pro is using. It helped me realize that I needed to upgrade my Mac from the factory 2GB of RAM to the maximum 8GB.

So, if your Mac is running slower than usually Activity Monitor will help you out a lot. Also if your fans are blaring the CPU portion and features of Activity Monitor will be able to show you what process are eating up the CPU.

Overall, Activity Monitor is just a great, and very useful application. And since it is free and comes pre-installed on every new Mac there’s no hassle getting it.



Explaining Google Fiber

Google Fiber has been launched in both Kansas City, KS and Kansas City, MO. They promise fast 1Gbps speeds for only $70 a month. $70 a month is less than most other ISPs charge for there way slower internet.

They also offer TV service for an additional $50 per month. And if you want you can get internet free of monthly fees by paying $300 a month or $25 over 12 months but you will have severly reduced speeds of 5 Mbps down and 1 Mbps up.

1Gbps or 125 Megabytes per second is more than anyone would ever need and more. It will be well worth the $70 a month that it costs.

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Googlerola Is Official

Google's acquisition of Motorola Mobility has officially closed. They have purchased Motorola Mobility, which split from Motorola on January 4, 2011, for $12.5 Billion. It's one of the biggest purchases in tech history.

On August 15, 2011 Google announced they would acquire Motorola Mobility for $12.5 Billion. On November 17, 2011 shareholders voted in favor of Google. Then on February 22, 2012 the DOJ and EU approved of the deal. Now, all they had to get was approval from China. On May 19, 2012, China official approved of the acquistion, and Motorola Mobility became a susidiary of Google on May 22, 2012.

The fact that Motorola Mobility makes Android phones, and Google owns Android, is a conflict of interest. Google has stated that they won't show favortism towards Motorola Mobility as an Android manufacturer, and that they wanted Motorola for their patents.

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AT&T Will Unlock Off-Contract iPhones Starting April 8

Starting Sunday, April 8th, 2012 AT&T will unlock any customer's off-contract iPhone. As long as your contract is over, and your account is in good standing (no late payments), they will set your iPhone free. After it's unlocked, your iPhone will play nice with any SIM or microSIM card from any GSM carrier.

AT&T has also decided to unlock your iPhone if you pay up the early termination fee, or if you had bought your iPhone at full, unsubsidized, price they will unlock it. Although, buying an iPhone at full price costs the same as buying a factory unlocked iPhone from the Apple Store.

Though your newly unlocked iPhone will work with any GSM carrier that you can get a SIM card from, the only other big GSM carrier in the US is T-Mobile USA, and your iPhone will be limited to EDGE speeds on their network.

All of this news come after reports that anybody could have gotten their AT&T iPhone unlocked just by emailing Apple CEO Tim Cook. Also, AT&T's policy has been that they would unlock a customer's device if their account was in good standing, but an exception was made with the iPhone.

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The iPhone 4S 4G Debacle

With the iOS 5.1 update released on Wednesday, an AT&T iPhone 4S will show 4G in the status bar in a lot of areas. Before the launch of the 4S, AT&T said it was working with Apple to put a 4G indicator in the status bar instead of showing 3G.

AT&T claims they did this because the iPhone 4S can theoretically get 14.4 mbps downlink speeds, which just so happens to be their minimum requirement for a device being able to be considered 4G.

This whole incident isn't really about the iPhone 4S getting 4G overnight with the iOS 5.1 update because that's not at all what happened. Basically this is just an act coming ou of AT&T's marketing department so they can get a leg up on Verizon, Sprint, and C-Spire.

AT&T is hoping that people will go around telling everyone, "Hey my iPhone 4S has 4G on AT&T!" or "You should get an iPhone 4S on AT&T because it has 4G."

To sum it up, the iPhone 4S can achieve HSPA+ speeds (a maximum of 14.4 mbps), which AT&T considers 4G.
