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Entries by Amar Jandu (19)


iPhone Original Screen/Mid-Board Unboxing 

Hello there, so its been a while sense I last posted something on to "" but that was because of some issues with OSX. My iChat Client was also a bit poo. (seemed that OSX blocked out the port 5810 for AIM servers, I have a fit and that is just to reinstall OSX and its all gonna be fine.) So if anyone asks"hey man why can't I get onto David's website just say? " reply with"well just reinstall OSX." Alright now with the formalities out of the way I have a unboxing for you! And on the good side its gotten 54 views in 2 days and I only have 21 Subs! So if you guys can be cool may you pass this down to other people?

I ordered the screen from Ebay member cellular_parts and it arrived at my steps around 9 days later ( which is ok considering that it was from Hong Kong and that customs can suck" the part was in prime condition and the install (I'll have the follow up video in a bit) was I would say around a 6 BECAUSE of the fact that I had to do some soldering and the some of the ribbons are hard to connect unless you have screwdrivers for fingers) But rather than that, its a straight forward 5 ribbons 2 antenna cables, but more of that later thats for the other post. Here's the video! and Remember follow me Twitter and Please Rate and Subscribe! :D


Build Your Own Drawing Desk!

Hello there, today I built myself a new desk. Matter of Fact I'm sitting next to it typing away. This desk is PERFECT for tall people. (I'm 6'4) and ta da! So i know the photoshoot of it is bad, but just STAND BY ME! this is the back shot. I think that it really came out nicely one thing that I need to add is some rounded out feet and cloth on the bottom of them to make them wood-floor friendly.


So here we have the macbook comparison to the tables top surface. The tables top length is 17x29. Kinda big right?

Well it took around two and a half hours to sketch and build. Used a Table Saw. And a Circular Saw to cut all the pieces. and some screws I found on the floor of the garage to fit them all together.
And here we have the sketch, you can see how it only took my like two minuets. Well thats my project. I started at the two legs, then worked my way to the (plywood) feet. After that i added the MDF table top. and then some scrap wood for the bottom rail guard thingy.



iPhone 3.0 Unlocked

Already with the release of the OS 3.0 it has been unlocked for all your needs. Thanks to the iPhone Dev-Team. When this is released I'll post up a how to. 

Love Amar


CoverSutra Demo

CoverSutra is an application that allows one to view albumartworkon their desktop and allows the user to have a search bar for your iTunes Library.

The download is available at


So-Called New iPhone Specs Leaked

I really hate when people repost things that others have already posted, but enough with this blasphemy! I know I'm going to get the new iPhone, but here are the specs.

600 Mhz Processer v. the old 400 Mhz one.

256 MB ram v. 128 MB ram.

32 whooping gigabytes!

3.2 MegaPixel Camera w/ autofocus!

via. Engadget!

