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Entries by Mitchell Straub (2)


Summer match up: iPhone vs. Droid incredible vs. Evo

As a product gets more successful, it's natural that a company wants to take it down. So far the iPhone hasn't had many strong competitors and with the recent OS update some of those competitor advantages are gone. Well this summer Apple is going to get a wakeup call with some new rangers in town. Droid Incredible and Sprints Evo to be exact. These phones are likely coming mid to late summer and rocking heavy fire. From cameras to processors, the hardware on these things are going to be tough to beat. Apple as we all know well has some great software. But on a phone or any device really, that's only half the battle. To win over smart or average consumers you need amazing hardware. So here is a list of hardware issues I would like to see in the coming launch:

Larger screen/Higher Resolution
Even a slightly bigger screen would be nice. Although  i wonder how the apps would adjust to the screen size. The resolution needs to be upgraded. The 480 by 320 was nice a few years ago but this is 2010 and 800 by 400 would be a great addition.
This is interesting because Apple has a giant lead in this section. Up to 64 gigs on it's counterparts, the ipad and iPod Touch. I'm expecting a 64 gig option this launch. The 32 will stay but the 16 is up for elimination. The latest Touchs eliminated the 16.

Battery Life
Every update of anything with apple we expect this and 95% of the time we get it. Up to ten hours of video playback on the 3gs and i'm expecting apple to push it to 11 or 12 this year

The list could go on such as  a faster processor ,camera, better use of 4.0 update but these are some main things I'd like to highlight. Thanks for reading, Mitch


iPhone Stereo Headset Review

Now let me be upfront. These are not the headphones that come packaged with the iPhone, Touch, or and iPod. These are a 3rd party set from

These are not made by them ,but sold. They also have a large quantity of tech related products to fit the average to not so average user. And now, its time for the review!

 - Quality
For headphones there are two types of quality: Sound and physical. The Sound quality on these are decent.  They are just a bit below the level of what you expect from apple made. The Physical quality however is quite bad.  In the pictures section of the blog, I'm sure you can see where the problem lies.  It doesn't affect the sound quality but it just makes me nervous when that happens.  It almost means immediate doom for the device. Over all, quality is nice but could be better.

 - Price
Very very nice price considering the product.  Apple's headphones are priced at 30 USD.  Now I know those headphones do much more but considering the price of these headphones which are 2.93 USD. The only button on the headphones are to stop the music and start the music.  It works well and is a feature that is almost standard so that is nice.  

 - Design
Not much to talk about design wise. Although I will say this: the white is a nice color but resembles the Apple headphones a bit too much.  

 - EarBuds!
This is the most important thing to me in a headphone.  Because if it doesn't feel good, I won't even try to get used to it.  To be honest, I feel it's too large for a normal ear.  And after every time i use them, my ears hurt; which is never a positive thing.

Above is the Problem talked about above.

 - Conclusion

They may not seem like much (they aren't), but they do the job well enough to recomend this product.  The 2.93 USD price tag is the best feature

Thanks for reading,
Mitch (@mitchellstraub)