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Entries in iOS (50)


The Best iOS Wallpaper Sites

In this video I show you 3 websites with awesome wallpapers-, Poolga, and fiftyfootshadows. These sites have several wallpapers for your iPhone, iPod, and iPad- maybe even your computer! I really think that anyone will be able to find a wallpaper they like on each of these sites- each with their own style of wallpapers. Enjoy the video!

What's on My iPhone 4S (Vol. 2)

In this video I show some of my favorite iOS games currently running on my iPhone. Each of these apps are available for $0.99 in the iTunes Apple App Store.



Review: Sonic & Sega All-Stars Racing for iOS

In this video I review Sonic & Sega All-Stars Racing for iOS, which is an awesome, universal app that you can purchase for $0.99. The game offers awesome grpahics and hours of fun and different gameplay. Check out the video for more information, and my channel for more tech content. 


GTD: Getting Things Done Applications

Whether it is for school or work, you need an application to help you remember what you need to get done but, with so many applications and website to choose from, how do you know which one to choose? In this post, I am going to tell you my favorites and why I like them. The rest is up to you.

1. Things - $49.99

Compatible with: Mac OS X, iOS

First up in the list is Things. Right now, Things is only for Mac computer OS but they also have an iOS application. This is probably one of the more expensive application for a GTD application but like always, you get what you pay for. Things has won many design awards and is all around, a great application. With a simple shortcut key you can easily create new projects, tasks, mark tasks completed and more. You can also organize your tasks by tags and search for them later on if the application becomes too cluttered with all of your tasks. Some of my favorite features of Things include its ability to sync with iCal, iOS compatible, the dock badge (show your how many tasks are due and overdue), and it is spotlight compatible which means you can easily view your to-do's in Spotlight. 

2. Asana - Free

Compatible with: Web Based, iOS Application

Asana is a website that I told to use back when I worked with AppleWizdom. This has all the great features of Things but it is compatible with all operating systems and it has an iOS application. If you do not have iOS, there is no need to be concerned with having a lousy web app because their mobile website is simply amazing. The only reason I would not choose this as my number one application is because of the lack of desktop application. This means you lose all the features but this website is far from lacking. If you do want a desktop application of the website, use Fluid. Another thing to note about Asana, it does sync with iCal so you can have reminders sent straight to your iOS device when a task is due.

3. Reminders

Compatible with: iOS 5 Devices

While to many who do not use iOS, this may seem a bit odd but Reminders really can do wonders. With its Siri integration, it becomes really simple to add tasks. I wouldn't use Reminders as my main Getting Things Done application but for basic tasks like studying for a test, this will never let you down. One flaw in Reminders that I have noticed is that you need to make sure you said AM or PM after the set time because my iPhone has reminded me to Study at 5 A.M the next morning when I meant for it to tell me at 5 P.M.

4. Remember the Milk (RTM) - Free Online

Compatable with: Web Based, iOS, Android, BlackBerry, Outlook, Google

This application has been the one that I've been signed up for the longest but for me, it just does not work as fluidly as the others. Although, most of the others are mostly only compatible for iOS, this is available for Android and Blackberry as well. If you're on a budget and use a BlackBerry or Android compatible device, I would defiantly go with this. It has most of the features the other applications do but, I feel that it does lack some features that I really love about the others.


When choosing an application for task management, you really need to make sure that you enjoy the application or website you use to better the chances you are checking back on tasks often. For me personally I prefer Things for Mac over all of the rest because it is fluid with the OS, syncs with iCal, and the Spotlight support and overall design is simply amazing. If you do not want to spend $50 without knowing if you like it, they have a trial version and if you still don't want to pay, go with Asana. It really is the best free option that I have found. If you want a desktop application for it, I will have a tutorial on how to do so coming soon.

Tutorial Coming Soon!

Patrick Fassler

Twitter | YouTube


Tech Q&A: iPhone 4 vs. Android, My Favorite App & More

This video (the first of many) covers all questions I've received relating to the iPhone 4, including my thoughts on other smartphones, my favorite iOS app and more! Stay tuned as I cover more topics in future Q&A videos. Feel free to contribute your own question below or on Twitter using the hashtag #AskG5!

Thank you so much for watching, as always! What are YOUR answers to the same questions posed in this video?

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