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Entries in iOS (50)


What People are Looking Forward to in iOS 5 

We’ve asked for it. And we expect to see it happen. In a ferment of excitement that has rattled both - Apple and Microsoft driven philosophies - Google has taken some novel afflatus to bring its Android platform to the dais of Technology Commencement Address. A best one at that. Apple and Microsoft have dipped a bit, by an inconsequential increment though, but they got to find a way to transition back to their heyday, the years that have fructified the vacant with some succulent and sensible taste at success. Since the topic is nothing short of “what people are looking forward to in iOS,” I feel that - iOS has run its course twice, thrice, and perhaps for the fourth time if Apple tries to satiate the roistering, sweltering, and rambunctious bedlam of users with the same feel, look, taste, and smell, of its corrugated Operating System, at which they’ve been manipulated and cloyed with a bland risqué, made unwittingly aware through their simpering moue - with its lack of ingenuity and freshness that this conservative Americanism was an indirect source of their malaise. They want change, the remedy, and a nostrum by a long-shot. Here are the changes people are most looking forward to in the next installment of iOS:

... that widgets should be utilized. This is nothing like a mind-boggling headline or a weird and insensibly untouched conjecture that has found a way out from a previously-unknown, and cabalistic, piece of information about the mysteries of Tutankhamun. People have asked for the utilization of widgets for quite a time, and when that didn’t happen, they raptured the word “it” with a strong, invidious, and incriminating, sibilant. They want their Twitter, Facebook (SNS) status, calendar, weather, and stocks, on a separate, and designated, page, where  icons and other wastrel are invisible. But only widgets. 

... that it needs a better notification system. No, actually, iOS is missing it. It has been nixed completely, out of Apple’s blotter sheet. There’s no such thing as a notification system in iOS, lest you’d count the dyspeptic (and ridiculously laminated as noble and prodigious by Apple) notification system that incessantly gets on your way, tampers with whatever you’re up to. You just cued up a 30-minute video of a Huckabee-Romney palaver, on YouTube, and about 7 minutes into the video, you get a text message from your friend, who tells you he’s watching the same 30-minute video of a Huckabee-Romney palaver and suggests you watch it. The video stops, of course, and if your phone can’t multitask, you’re a real patsy, the victim of your hangdog friend who has made you to reload that 30-minute video. Apple cannot scrawl its code for the notification system in an illegible and rushed longhand. To do it gracefully without a speck of error is to make the new system a rather subliminal affair, something users are made aware through a notification bar or column, the likes of Android’s and Microsoft’s. Not an idiotic and hideous message that gets on My Way.

That just about wraps it up. Colonnaded with a straw of perfection, and its stream of porticos that suffuse into Your Majesty. These are the fronts of Apple in 2009. But wherefore art thou in this remarkable period of platitude? Apple is in some messy time now, but here I am hoping for it to renew its charms and magic from two years ago with some swashbuckling, new breed of its sententious lark - hopefully through the new touches of iOS 5.0. 


White iPhone 4 Unboxing

After ten months of waiting, the mythical white iPhone 4 is now available for mass consumption. The white iPhone 4 was initially debuted alongside the black last year at WWDC, but was delayed multiple times due to manufacturing problems.

iPhone 5: My Expectations

Everyone is excited for one of Apple's iconic devices, the iPhone 5. Though no one knows for sure, we have our "expectations" of what will be packed within Apple's new iPhone. Sometimes the rumors are true. Sometimes the rumors are not. This is what I expect to see in Apple's latest iPhone. 

One of the most expected features of the next generation iPhone is the new Apple A5 chip. The current version of the iPhone has the A4 chip. The A5 chip is one of my most expected features. The iPad has it and many other phones have dual core processors. Why not the iPhone since Apple likes having the best? I also expect to see the iPhone in white this time. The white iPhone 4 was introduced, but never released. I think Apple is waiting for the iPhone 5 to release a white version. I definately expect to see 4G HSPA+ in the AT&T model of the iPhone. It's possible it with support both LTE and HSPA+, but I'm pretty sure we'll at least get HSPA+. iOS 5 should be released sometime during the release as well, so I'm expecting that. I also expect FaceTime over 3G/4G, longer battery life, and additional carriers such as Sprint. 

These are just my expectations. We'll find out if the iPhone 5 will have these features, or better yet, if the next generation iPhone will be called the 'iPhone 5'. We can only hope these features are included, but I'm sure Apple will find something to win us over with.


iOS and Android Over the Video Games Market

In the last years, we have seen some incredible games at the App Store from Apple and now we also have games at the Android Market from Google. But before that, we had great portable consoles such as the Nintendo DS and the Sony PSP, and currently they continue their own way.

But now with these App Stores we have access to an easier world where with just a tap we can download an incredible game right from our smartphone. So, lets check these statistics.

Mobile analytics service Flurry Analytics has launched a study on the percentage of revenue from mobile platforms in the gaming industry based on 12,000 million records captured from 80,000 applications anonymously iOS and Android. Thedata show the remarkable growth can be seen in the graph you will find on theselines and if already in 2009 the iPhone OS at that time exceeded U.S. to the PSP with 19% versus 11% of the latter, the entry of Android and the evolution of iOS in 2010 further increases the difference.

Sales of games and Android iOS U.S. have increased during 2010 to reach 8% oftotal revenues estimated at 800 million dollars, most of which are the grace, asFlurry, games for iPhone. This cake does not include data for PC games, although these are estimated at 700 million, anything that smartphone and tablets have notalready left behind.

It is clear that 15% iOS and Android have been scratched in notebooks from Sony and Nintendo in 2010 was largely due to a combination of factors, including a family of devices they always have, with uninterrupted access to a growing catalog software with a very low cost or even free supported by advertising or purchasing systems within applications.

Capacitive Button on Next Generation of iOS Devices?

Recently in the news about iPod touches and things related. CrunchGear posted photos of what could possibly be the next iPod touch on their website. I will put there photos at the bottom of this post, but let me warn you the photos are super blurry and over-exposed. Now, the photos look very similar to the current generation iPod touch with one major difference in the aesthetics and functionality department. It will feature a capacitive home button to replace the current physical home button. There is still a chance that these photos are fake, but I do believe that Apple would do this. Especially if they want to fit a big 4-inch screen on the next generation of iOS devices. 

The capacitive button isn’t the only new thing seen in the pictures. One of the photos shows a picture of the iPod touch in Settings>About, and if you look at the capacity you will see that it has a whopping 128GB of storage. That’s incredibly huge for something so thin! If Apple can put this in the next iPod touch while still maintaining a decent price it would be huge. I still have my doubts on such a large capacity in such a thin device, but we will just have to wait and see what happens.

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