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GED Received!

I’m going to go ahead and give you all a bit of my background when it comes to my history in school.  I was always an “alright” student during my Elementary days of school.  I would get pretty decent grades that my parents always seemed proud about.   All this changed when I entered into Middle School.  I started to become a trouble child through all my Middle School years.  I was always getting into trouble during school.  Not only was I getting into trouble, my school grades started to diminish.  I started to not care about grades anymore.  I went to summer school at the end of 7th and 8th grade just so I can go off into High School.  Finally, High School rolled around.  What an adventure this was for my couple years I was there.  I can’t recall really passing any classes besides music and mathematics.  In some ways, music and math tie in together.  I guess this is what made me pass math because I’m such in love with music.  I did summer school from my 10th grade to get into the 11th grade. (Sophomore – Junior)  When I was Junior in High School (11th grade) I started to realize that I was going to have to pass everything and even do some year or two of summer school just to graduate.  I didn’t think that I would be willing to devote everything I had to just school work.  I seem to be the lazy type.  I thought long and hard about dropping out of High School and always told myself I would never do it.  Well, after thinking long and hard, I ended up dropping out of school on December 23rd 2008 of my Junior year in High School.

I dropped out with a huge task on my mind.  That task was to take the GED and pass it.  I didn’t want to just dive right into it because I was nervous of failing.  I ended up studying like crazy for it.  All this studying lasted about two months.  I planned on taking it after two months, but I never got around to signing up for the test.  Then, time and time went by and I ended up stopping the studying habits that I had and forgot about the test.  Eventually, a job opportunity opened up for me, but, I needed my GED.  I ended up signing up for the test after about 10 months of being out of school and 8 months of no study.  I forgot just about everything I have known in school and pretty much went into the test cold blooded.  I was nervous to learn what my outcome of the test was going to be, but now, I am proud to say, that the result of the test was a PASS.  I had received my GED.  I’m hoping and praying that this will lead me to great expectations in my future life.  Please continue to pray for me as times are going to be getting hard for me!

Reader Comments (8)


It's 7:43 AM and I just read your post. I just wanted to say congratulations on receiving your GED. So what are your plans now? Heading to college? The one thing you'll see if you go to college is that college is nothing like high school. You'll actually love it if you find a program in something you really enjoy doing. As David Di Franco has said on so many times, college is the best years of your life. I totally agree with him. It was that way for me as well. I am 35 years old and I graduated College back in 1999, graduated from Clemson University. I've worked in the student development field for a while and was a Resident Director at my last assignment. Anyway in order to move forward in my career you need a masters so I went back to school last year to do that. This coming May I'll graduate with that so I know how it feels to finally be getting through a long process! I wish you all the best and if you have any questions about college please email me or email David. I am sure David would be glad to answer questions as well. I think you'll find he's a really swell guy. Again Congratulations and Best of Luck!

December 3, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterKevin Bell

Post Script. That Email is if you have questions.

December 3, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterKevin Bell

Thanks for the kind words. I plan on heading to college hopefully in something with Webdesign. I really love to do stuff with designing graphically on the web. I think webdesign is my best option because I have a huge interest in it and what not. I'm always thinking about minoring in Music Education seeing how I play trombone for the Salvation Army up here in Montclair, New Jersey. Webdesign would also benefit me and my website :)

December 3, 2009 | Registered CommenterSteven Johnson

You're most welcome Steven. Web design might indeed be fun. I've had some classes in it myself. I tell you what I highly recommend and I think David would second this. You might want to get started at a Community College first because they have the same classes and it will save you a lot of money. Secondly it's good because if you really aren't sure yet what you want to do you can waste a lot of time at a University. Community College/Technical College is the best bang for the buck currently with the high cost of college. David has a degree from community college and so do I. Now I went back and got mine after I had my Bachelors. I did so for fun and enrichment. I thought back though to myself and thought "boy I could have saved a lot of money had I done this the first time around instead of the big university!". The other thing about community college is that you'll earn a degree yet they make it easy to pick up either a second associates degree or several certificates by taking just a few more classes. You really get a good deal. Anyway it's just a suggestion man to save you some money. Aren't we all trying to do that!? As I said you can email me anytime you have questions as student services is what I do. Again congrats man and the next big adventure begins!

-Kevin ( )

December 3, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterKevin Bell

Congrats on receiving your GED, Steven! I totally agree with Kevin where he suggests starting out with a community college. I wasn't quite sure of what I wanted to do right out of high school. I went to a local community college for three years (took one year longer than expected) and then finished up at Stockton throughout the next two years. Believe me, it saves you that much money, especially considering you'll be learning the same material.

If you have any questions, feel free to ask! Kevin and I, along with anyone else interested, are happy to help.

December 3, 2009 | Registered CommenterAnn Smarty

About the Community College deals, that was my whole plan to begin with. I have a Community College called, "Essex Community College" here in the town right next to mine here in NJ. David, I'm sure you've heard of Essex :) They offer all the stuff that I want to do with my life. After maybe two years of Essex and I like what I'm doing, I think I would transfer to, "Montclair State University." That's my planning for school wise situations.

December 3, 2009 | Registered CommenterSteven Johnson

Congratulations on your getting your GED Steven! It's a great thing that you were able to recognize the course of action that was best for you, follow through, and pass because of your ability alone.

I'm actually doing exactly what Kevin and David have suggested. I am starting at a Community College next month to get my general classes out of the way, and save the money for the first two years and apply it to a bigger school once I am done with the basics.

No matter what you decide to do, you're one step further in furthering your education and bettering yourself in the process. I wish you the best!

December 3, 2009 | Registered CommenterKyle Ankney


See I told ya David was swell! Kyle is another great guy on here. It sounds like you have a concrete plan. Just stick to it and never compromise your dreams or desires. Never let anyone hold you back. You'll love community college. You'll get to do so much that you love. Get involved too in student life. I actually was the Student Government/Student Body President of my Community College. I got really involved and it was fun. I know you'll do fine. Hey Kyle I'm glad to hear you're doing well too. I had wondered if you had started yet. I remember you mentioning college in one of your videos a few months back. All in all guys I think you are all doing well and I know David agrees. As David said anyone is free to ask us questions about college and career. We're more than glad to give advice. Yall take care and Merry Christmas! God Bless yall!

-Kevin ( )

December 3, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterKevin Bell

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