Funny Mac Poem I Made
I was bored one night so i made this poem based off of the army's saying. Enjoy!!!
There are many like it, but this one is MINE.
My mac is my best friend. It is my life.
I must master it as I must master my life.
without me, my mac is useless. Without my mac, I am useless.
I must boot my mac true.
I must type faster than my enemy who is trying to kill me.
I must send him a virus before he gives me one. I will...
My mac and myself know that what counts in speed is not the light we give off,
the noise of our fans, nor the beauty we display.
We know it is the operating system that counts. We will run fast...
My mac is human, even as I, because it is my life.
Thus, I will learn it as a brother.
I will learn its weaknesses, its strengths, its parts, its accessories,
its keyboards, and its mice.
I will ever guard it against the ravages of pets and damage.
I will keep my mac clean and ready, even as I am clean and ready.
We will become part of each other. We will...
Before God I swear this speed.
My mac and myself are the defenders of my country.
We are the masters of applications.
We are the saviors of my life.

Reader Comments (3)
This poem sucks. None of the lines rhyme, unless you count the first two lines, which both have the word "life" at the end.
poems dont have to rhyme.
Tom it was great and i guess kyle is a retard