The BlackBerry Bullet
Okay everyone here's the deal. It is no secret that the iPhone is the phone of the moment (or the past few moments to be honest). And, you don't have to love the iPhone to admit that it is the current standard. Every phone that isn't an iPhone is looking to be the next iPhone.
As we all know, there have been many attempts by almost every handset manufacture to produce an "iPhone Killer, but for the purpose of this article, I am going to focus on the BlackBerry Storm.
For those of you who don't know, the Storm is BlackBerry's newest full touch screen device, and it is currently the closest thing to an iPhone that BlackBerry has to offer. Now, I have had an opportunity to play around with the Storm, and in my opinion, the BlackBerry Drizzle would have been a more accurate name.
But I'm not really here to trash the Storm.
Earlier today, I received a twitter from a fellow apple fan who said to check out the video below.
Catchy right?
These are the types of ads that marketing teams should be releasing! Because no matter how lackluster the Storm left me feeling, I would be talking about that ad! Sometimes, touting features isn't the best way to sell a product, instead marketers need to be a little more bold (no pun intended) and create a little buzz. Take note, Blackberry.

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