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My thoughts on the new Microsoft ad

Recently Microsoft has come out with a new advertisement saying that you can get a PC for less than a Mac. First off I will say this. The only reason why Mac's are more costly is because instead of getting a computer thats slapped together and lasts only 3 years on average you get a computer with a great OS, a computer thats lasts almost 7 years, a computer built with quality, and when your Mac gets a problem you get GREAT customer service. Alright then I'll get started. First it starts with a girl named Lauren, which Mircosoft claims is a real person. Yet people have done a little research and have found that she is NOT an ordinary person, she is a actress. Anyways she wants a computer that has a 17' screen thats very fast and is under $1000. She walks into the Mac Store (its Apple store you n00b!!). She claimed there was only 1 Mac that only has a 13' screen. YET they didn't prove it. She really just walked in and just walked out. Then in the car she said, "I'm just not cool enough to be a Mac person". First off, YOU DONT HAVE TO BE COOL TO HAVE A MAC. Any person can get a Mac, they don't have to be cool. Then *airquotes* Lauren walks into a best buy. She picks up what looks to be either a Acer Aspire or a Asus Eee Pc and says "this is like a phone". First, why did you have to say that?!?!?!?!? Also, that was really unnecessary. Any who she finds a HP (bleh) and starts jumping up and down and saying "yippie!!!!!". To me she only did that so Microsoft would pay her more. And then thats the end of the commercial. Now I have to say Microsoft is getting there but they are still making people think the wrong things. So to Microsoft, stop being a sore loser. As a not again this is MY OPINION so dont start spamming the comments. Also here is the ad:


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