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Nintendo DSi: How it will affect Sony

Its less than 6 hours until the Nintendo DSi launches here in Las Vegas. The successor of the DS Lite is doing phenomenal in sales. Today, it comes it in the biggest market in the video game industry, the US. With the DSi chasing after the PSP, you think, "How will it affect Sony?"

A statement

Today, on the eve of the DSi launch in the US, Sony released a statement:

"If Nintendo is really committed to reaching a broader, more diverse audience of gamers beyond the "kids" market that they've always engaged, there isn't much new with theDSito support that. Significant gamer demographic groups are being ignored, and there continues to be limited opportunities for games from external publishers to do well on the DSi. Compare that with the PSP platform, where we have many blockbuster franchises from our publishing partners launching this year, representing a wide variety of genres and targeting diverse demographics. Games such as Rock Band Unplugged from MTV Games, Assassin's Creed from Ubisoft, Dissidia Final Fantasy from Square Enix, and Hannah Montana from Disney demonstrate the commitment that publishers have to the PSP. From our own first-party studios, we're launching unique versions of LittleBigPlanet and MotorStorm, and we're also planning a steady stream of downloadable games — both new titles and PSone classics — to add to the content that PSP owners can already purchase wirelessly through PlayStation Store."

Wow Sony, really? this is all you got? Hannah Montana?....Wow. It really seems like Sony is scared. Plus this has not much facts. First off all of these game developers have a bigger commitment to the DS platform. For example Square Enix has released more games for DS than PSP. Plus Nintendo DS is more diverse than PSP, it has games that are hard tocategorize. Sure PSP has some games that stand out, but Nintendo DS has more

The Fall of Sony?

It really looks like the demise of Sony is imminent. The PS3 is already doing bad enough, but its not a commercial failure. The only thing keeping Sony afloat is the PSP. With the DSi going after that it looks like Sony is barely hanging on to its sales and market share.

Well we just have to wait and see what the DSi does to Sony.


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