5 YouTube URL Tricks
I found this through Digg.com and I thought it was pretty sweet so I wanted to write about it. If you're on YouTube all the time, you may know some tricks that you can add on the YouTube video URL to change someof the settings of the videos. So here are some tricks.
1. View Higher Quality Videos
This is the most popular one that most YouTube users do, there's many ways on how to watch the video in HQ or even in HD. I you want to watch the video in high quality, add &fmt=18 next to the video URL at the top. If you want to watch the video in HD, add &fmt=22 next to the URL at the top.
2. Embed Higher Quality Videos
If you are embedding a video and you want it to play in high quality, there's a trick for that. You need to add &ap=%2526fmt%3D18 for HQ or &ap=%2526fmt%3D22 for HD to the embed URL.
3. Cut the Chase and Link to the Interesting Part
This one is very unique. Let's say you want to embed your video onto your website and you don't want the viewer to get bored watching the first boring part, you would want to have the viewer watch the interesting part first. Luckuly, there is a way to do that automatically. So let's say that the interesting part is at 3:10 and you want the embedded video to start at that time. All you have to do is simply add #t=3m22s (#t=XXmYY is XX minutes and YY seconds) to the end of the URL.
4. Hide the Search Box
When you embed a video, you get a search box when you hover it with a mouse. If you want to hide the search box, simple tadd &showsearch=0 to the embed URL.
5. Make and Embedded Video Play Automatically
This one is my favorite; you can make a YouTube video play automatically without the user having to click the play button. All you have to do is add &autoplay=1 to the end of the URL of the video.
These are some of many YouTube URL tricks; I find these to be the useful ones.
E-mail: renealanis2012@gmail.com
Website: http://www.techsfinest.com
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Reader Comments (1)
What about making it all flip upside down!
Just add "&flip=1" at the end of the url. (without the quotes)
That's what they did on April Fool's day.