Jerks on the Internet
Often people deal with complete and total JERKS on the Internet. For example, I recently posted a article on the possibilities of a Psystar NetBook. As you most likely know Psystar filed for bankruptcy earlier this week. Well, I was unaware at the time I posted, and waiting for me a few hours later, a comment calling me an idiot. I replied saying. “Well I didn’t know when I posted this.. You didn’t have to call me a idiot.” Followed with a “:P”. Not too much longer afterwards I received yet another comment saying “How much of a idiot are you, they filed for bankruptcy idiot!” I replied ranting on “Didn’t you see my DANG comment above?” I went a little crazy, I have to admit, XD. Getting back to the point. Why do you think people on the Internet act like total idiots/jerks? Seriously, give me your opinions.

Reader Comments (10)
Not to be a jerk or anything, but if you can't take criticism or dumb comments why bother writing? It comes with the blogging territory. Just ignore the stupid comments.
Well, they don't really bother me. I was just asking or your opinion. But w/e
I have to agree with Hutch. The internet is a vast place, and mostly everyone uses it. Not everyone is exactly "nice". Your best bet would have been just to ignore the rude comments, there are people out there like that, and you have to get used to it.
As for your question in your post, I think people do that because they have nothing better to do. They are most likely bored and just want to mess around, so just ignore those people, and don't let them get to you.
People on the internet are jerks because the internet is made up of 85% Testosterone filled 13 year olds :p
Well they probably called you an idiot for writing a story you knew nothing about....which does make you some what of an idiot. How happy would you be if the weatherman claimed to know a lot but then never predicted the right need to fact check your stories before you right them cuz god knows its clearly bad to post something when its completely wrong
Yeah, lol. but i actually wrote it like a day before they filed for bankruptcey. I just didn't post it yet.
Your a baby. Just because you got a few "hater" comments doesn't mean you have to post about it on Dave's site. Suck it up and get over it, seriously.
You sir, are without a doubt the biggest airheads on this site. You post false information, people give you some criticism for it and then you whine about it with a post about how their are people who are jerks on the internet. Do yourself a favor and stop posting stuff on Dave's site. Thanks- now go fuck yourself.
As newspapers slowly diminish and go out of fashion while blogging is on the rise, reporters and editors the world over worry that the news is now being spread by bloggers who don't check their sources and disseminate knee-jerk news reports. the worry is that bloggers are not held to the fourth estates historical creed of investigate, research and double-check a story before going to print. Blogging is a known form of sending out one's opinion more than getting out into the field and finding the true story themselves, instead bloggers pass along info as it comes in from other unverified streams. It's like a game of telephone, a possibly dangerous one too. It's the Internets version of mob mentality.
Yes that person was a bit over the top but then this is also the checks and balances being roughed, out on yours and many others', blog pages. Imagine what an editor at a paper could be like if you came to him with a story unverified and it went to print. Always be sure you know the whole story to avoid being side-swiped.