RSS, Your News All In One: Times!
A few weeks back, AcrylicApps sent me an application called Times. I didn't think much of it at the time, but in the fist few weeks, it has grown into one of my exclusive always-open applications. Lets dig into the review. :)
Time is a new innovative RSS newsreader for Mac OS X Leopard (10.5). The newest version of Times (1.1.3) features an appealing interface, which is extremely user-friendly. When you first open Times, it automatically imports some of the top RSS news feeds, and they are each arranged in five easy menus, for all of your RSS news needs.
The sleek new design of Times, makes skimming and scanning for news a breeze. Since the news is divided into pages, you can browse only the news you want, if you choose to do so. Another great feature of Times is its integration with social networks such as Twitter, Digg, Facebook and Delicious. To see how Times works first hand, download the 15 day free trial from here.
The full video review can be viewed here
You can view my other reviews on my channel, which can be found here.
Julian Jackson

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