My Grandpa and His Mac
Recently I was at my father's friend's house looking though all the computer stuff he had. He specializes in companies that lease out laptops to people, blah blah enough about him. So I ended up finding a ibook G4, that was in fairly good shape, so I bought it for $200. (Good deal eh?) Now, when I bought it I had every intention to give it to my grandfather, who lives in Bakersfield at my uncle's house. Being that when he is over our house he loves to play solitaire on the home desktop I thought it would be nice for him. How ever there were two main issues with getting the laptop. The first, it was on OS X, he was used to using windows XP, (what else can you do with a Windows computer besides play solitaire/free cell?) The second is that my grandfather is half blind, (he used to be a textile machine mechanic and had something lodged into his eye at the age of 40.) When I first showed him the laptop he was amazed at the simplicity of it!
" I like the way it looks all in one color." He said when I handed it to him. (referring to the white poly-carbonate casing)
I thought it was a touching moment, when I could finally interact with some other way with my grandfather, showing him the things that I love. After showing him the basics ( Internet, Solitaire, Chess), he was off and on his way! I called him up recently and he said he is having no problems with it!
Now this comes to show that if my grandfather, a 75 year old half blind man, can learn to use a Mac, ANYONE can do it.
This is our story, you have any to share?
(This would be a great Apple ad.)
Love, Amar

Reader Comments (2)
I bet if you where trying to teach Vista to a 75 year old, you wouldn't have a chance!
I love Apple :)
Very nice story! Thanks for sharing! :)